Your Mine! ~Brent POV ~REVISED

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Seeing her sobbing against my chest, as if she were broken tore at me. I want to always protect her and to make her happy but how can I fight against the inevitable destruction of our pack? Her scent surrounded me as the scent of lilac and honey filled my lungs as Zac whined in the back of our minds. He wanted her, to comfort her and assure her everything would be alright. 

Yet the reality of the situation was far from anything than alright. Zac wanted to take her as our mate just as do I. I realize I love her more than anything and I would give up everything to be with her. 

To shield her from the world and adorn her with the love and passion I feel for her which she more than deserved. I began to caress her back as I long to feel her naked flesh against my own as something within me felt as though it wanted to rush forth and take control.

I won't deny that feeling was making me concerned as I am unaware what could be causing this feeling, did Zac have some warped part of himself? I wondered. Feeling Jenna tremble within my arms as her tears wet my shirt made me concerned knowing she is the strongest she-wolf I have ever known and to see her like this broke my heart.

"We will figure this out Jenna, I am right here please just calm and breathe." I spoke soothingly.

" can we figure it out if we don't know what he wants? Something within me is telling me it is me he is after! 

"I...I well...perhaps I should offer myself to the Alpha to see if I am what he is truly after." She spoke as her body began to jolt within my arms as her tears grew harder.

"No! You are not giving yourself to this monster who wants to come here. There must be something else they are after; we will figure it out. I will begin looking into it further and I will go to town and see if I can overhear anything being said." He spoke bluntly.

She closed her eyes as she sank harder into me as I could do nothing but tighten my grip pulling her further into myself as she twisted and climbed onto my lap resting her thighs on the outside of my legs. Once again, she buried herself into my hold nuzzling her face deep in my long hair as it came to rest in the crook of my neck. 

Everything in me cried out with a claiming need to finally claim this amazing she-wolf as my mate. I felt that odd feeling rising once again as a deep growl emerged within as it began to make me more than concerned. What is it? My heart quickened as I pulled Jenna closer to me as the growl escaped from me.

Jenna looked up with red puffy eyes her emerald eyes peering into my own with concern as she heard the growl escape from me.

"Sorry, I hate seeing you so upset." I spoke as I lied as to why the growl. I am not even sure where it came from, I must admit.

She nodded as I brushed my thumb over her cheek brushing her tears away. I hate seeing her appearing to be weak because I know she is anything but weak...she is fierce! The feeling of her mouth so close to my neck sent a shiver through me as sparks shot violently through me as a surge of wildness felt like it bubbled within me. 

I lowered my face into the crook of her neck as well breathing her in deeply as her scent ignited intense feelings within me. I realize tomorrow we will find out if we are truly each other's but I don't know if I can hold off that long! 

That strange feeling began to grow stronger as I fought against it. A low growl was coming from Zac, and I surely didn't understand that. Confusion washed over me as my body began to feel as if it were being lit by fire, a driving need to possess Jenna making it very difficult to control myself.

Shocking me beyond words, Jenna's lips pressed against my neck sending a wave of lust through me that would not be denied. A low growl escaped from me as my hand dug into her hair grasping it firmly pulling it away from my neck to look deep within her eyes. I want to take her now, but did she feel the same? As her head tilted back peering at me passion swam within her eyes along with something else, what I am not sure. 

I know I want Jenna as my mate there is no question about that but what if tomorrow, we find out we aren't true mates? Of course, I felt the passion and desire when it came to her, hell she was magnificent, strong, and downright stunning with her emerald, green eyes which seem to pierce right through my very being. I felt an internal battle begin as I wanted her, yet I didn't want to put her in the position of having to make a choice between me and another if I am not her true mate.

Fuck it! I want her! I growled within knowing there would never be another she-wolf I would ever want more than I do her. It doesn't matter if that one is a true mate or not, I don't want anyone but Jenna, I never have. I knew when we were young, she would be mine one day I swore it to myself. Yes, I know a stupid kid deciding on who he would mate at such a young age, but I knew.

"She is mine and I will have her!" Something within me growled mercilessly. 

I felt my heart pound not knowing what had just spoken because Zac had not spoken outside of his low resonating growl. I knew something was happening to me and honestly, I am concerned about Jenna's safety with me right now. 

In the event that whatever is stirring and going wild in me gains control, it could be harmful to us both, and I never want to harm Jenna. I growled knowing if I didn't fight against this, I would lose all control and I am not sure if there will be a way to come back from it.

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