Assault of Pikes Peak

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         We continued towards the center of the complex where Brent stated the Alpha resided

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         We continued towards the center of the complex where Brent stated the Alpha resided. A brown wolf charged at me, as I swung my claws at his throat as a vicious growl ripped through my teeth. Several brown wolves charged at us, as Cliff let an Alpha booming growl rip from his throat as Damien and Cliff charged the wolves, Damien grabbing one by the throat sinking his teeth in deep as he ripped his throat out throwing the dead werewolf to the ground. Cliff had already snapped the neck of the one he tackled, the one that got by them charged for me. I grinned widely as I launched forward crushing his neck within my jaws dropping him to the ground. Johnathan and Brent coming to my sides as Damien and Cliff cleared the path in front of us. Damien was laughing as he was genuinely enjoying himself.

         I whispered through our link he was a seriously disturbed vamp. He laughed and agreed with me. As I looked around in all directions, I saw werewolf fighting werewolf, I saw some women and children huddled up against the side of a small building. The woman had her back facing towards us as she tried to cover her children. I saw some warriors coming up along side of us, I pointed and linked for him to get them out. The woman screamed as his large gray wolf approached her, he shifted momentarily telling her to put the kids on his back and for her to shift and follow him. He swiftly shifted back into his wolf as she put her two children on his back. She shifted as he led them away from the battle, it felt good knowing that they will be able to grow up.

        I looked around seeing women being corralled by our werewolves, the women lunging at them with knives and sticks. I grinned as I let out an Alpha growl, as my mates took their places at my sides once more as I walked up to them.

         "They are trying to get you to safety if you continue to try to harm them. I'll let them kill you all!" I growled out.

They all dropped their weapons as several of our werewolves had them shift and follow them to safety. If they had not stopped, I would have given the word to kill them, I am not jeopardizing our pack mates for these mislead werewolves. We grew closer to the main house as I turned to look at Brent he nodded and pointed in the direction of the building where the Alpha lived. From the looks of it our werewolves were much stronger than the ones Jameson had, ours were well trained.

   As we grew closer to the Alpha's house, I noticed a large group of werewolves fighting, as fur was flying into the air along with blood. I did not like seeing my pack members being harmed. A deep resonating growl ripped through my teeth as my eyes trained on them. Yet none of them stopped fighting, as their teeth were snapping at one another sinking them deep. I felt my rage building like I have never before as my Lycan began to tremble with the fury. All four of my mates ran to my side seeing what was making me so mad, they took a deep breath knowing this would not end well for those wolves.

   I began stalking closer to them with feeling my feet slam against the ground as rage continued to build. Suddenly the ground began to tremble right along with my rage. My eyes widened wondering what was happening as my mates each placed a hand on me trying to calm my Lycan down from the rage. I still was unsure of what was happening as my Lycan reached the large number of werewolves fighting.

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