Another Peachy Day ~REVISED

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I sighed as my mom nodded to me as she turned. She looked over her shoulder as if questioning me. Yet she turned and began down the hallway. Thankfully, she will allow me to deal with the jerks at school. I heard her grumbling to herself as he grew further from my room. I had to laugh because I know she would so love to get ahold of the students and show them a thing or two. Dang, she can be vindictive and surely has a sadistic side to her at times.

My mom was stunning with her tiny figure, she was tall and very statuesque. She could be a model if she wanted to be. Her long blonde hair draped down shaping her face perfectly. Her cheeks were rosy, and her dark blue eyes were amazing. I will say I think my dad was the lucky one when he found her. She could have had anyone she wished with her personality and pure beauty. As for me I am not such a looker, at least I don't think so.

I know I must get out of this bed and face the day regardless of how much I wish it would just pass by in a haze. The only good thing about getting out of bed and leaving the house was that I could see Steph and of course, Brent. They are my best friends who have been there through thick and thin. Steph is a year younger than I am. She has dark brown curls which flow down over her shoulders, brown eyes which could draw you in with the slightest glance. Not to mention her body, damn the girl has the body of a goddess, I wish I had such perfection. Yes, I have developed in areas she hasn't as of yet but the rest of her was pure stunning.

As for me, I am very skinny but well defined. I train with the warriors of the pack and trust me when I say I have learned the hard way how to become tough. I have landed on my backside more than a handful of times. That's how I know I can handle the pups at school it's just I don't want to have to become aggressive with them. Yes, I know I am an Alpha female but there is part of me that wonders if they may have it harder than I know? I know I could knock any of them on their asses if they challenged me and no one would stop me. Yup, that's right once again because I am the Alpha's daughter.

Status around here is a big thing, yet not to teenage werewolves who think they are the shit. Some have not learned what respect or humility is, but I do hope one day they will not only for their benefit but for their future mates as well. I don't mind getting into a down right fight when it is for something worthy like protecting my loved ones or my pack yet doing so for a simple comment, nah its not worth it.

Back to what I was for how I look verses them. I have long black hair which trails to just above my ass, I have emerald, green eyes and yes, they do tend to shimmer like jades. Mind you I do not think I am all that good looking, but others seem to think I am. Personal preferences, I guess.

"Jenna...Get your butt out of that bed this instant. You want to show you can handle the situation at school then go up and Adam!" She ran downstairs.

"Fine, mom." I sighed out.

As I threw my comforter back tossing it off to the side so I could sit up on the edge of the bed, letting my feet press firmly on the cold wood floor. Dang that is a wakeup call in itself. I stood up walking towards my closet so I could pull my clothes out for the day. I sighed as I gazed at my clothing. Yes, I have a lot but I had no clue what I wanted to wear today. Hell with it, it seems like a tank top and jean day I thought to myself.

As I pulled a nice black tank top along with a pair of black jeans from my closet I grabbed a matching set of undergarments, yeah, the red lacey ones for today...why not? Deciding I would use the large bathroom down the hallway I pulled my door open as I began hearing hushed voices from downstairs. Did someone come to see my dad this early in the morning? It must be Chad that has come to talk to him because it doesn't sound like my best friends. Something must have occurred which needed my dad's attention right away I thought.

Walking down the hall as I dismissed the hushed tones coming downstairs, I approached the large glass doors at the end of the hallway. This bathroom is a grand one for sure, as I threw the doors open exposing the large black tub which is big enough for at least two werewolves at once...kinky I thought. I laughed to myself as I looked at the marvelous shower which was adorned with grey and black tile with a massive overhead rainfall shower head. It felt amazing when it fell over you especially early in the morning. I so need to ask my dad to have one put into my shower in my room.

I began pulling off my lacey tank top and sleeping shorts dropping them to the floor as I kicked them off to the side. Walking to the shower I pulled the glass door open reaching for the controls setting it so it was nice and warm, on the hotter side but not too hot or my wolf will throw a fit.

I stepped into the shower as the hot water fell over me as my muscles seemed to relax greatly. I so love this shower. As my skin began to take on a light pink hue I sighed as I placed my hands against the cold tiled wall closing my eyes. As I did, of course those eyes were staring back at me as a chill shot down my spine sending a surge of adrenaline through me. The sensation of being hunted returned as his eyes bore into my own. With a shiver I decided I wanted a reprieve from those eyes as I began to wash my hair fighting it as it tried to stick to my skin. This is the only thing I regret about having long hair...well this and brushing it all out that is.

As I finished my hair, I grabbed my washcloth spilling out my lilac body soap onto it I began rubbing it down my neck, collarbones, to my chest. I had closed my eyes, now regretting that. His eyes did they change in such a dramatic way I wondered. What normally would be black orbs with a red ring had an additional ring, but it was gold. They bore into me with a fierceness I have never felt before which seemed to make my breath catch within my throat.

A surge of wanting washed over me for the one who held those eyes, regardless of the chill of fear the longing and pure need for him overrode it with an extreme onslaught. My body surged to life reacting to him, my core began to heat begging for his attention seeking release. Knowing I needed to get ready for school made this whole situation even more difficult. I groaned knowing I had no time to relieve my issue before school and I am well aware my arousal would be able to be scented, which did not make me any more comfortable about going to school smelling like a needing she-wolf.

To many males would seek that out and want to relieve my current situation. Yeah, no way was someone touching me unless it was Brent. Oh damn, I grinned as I realized I would allow him to touch me, caress me and bring me to my breaking point. Sure, let's make my day even more difficult I thought to myself. Grinning and shaking my head I stepped out of the shower reaching for my towel as I heard the voices downstairs growing louder.

My concern seemed to override my driving need as I quickly dried off my body and towel dried my hair grabbing my brush to do my hair after the fact. I slipped into my clothes as I walked to my room slipping my shoes on and grabbing my backpack. My clothing rubbing against my heated core began to make me extremely uncomfortable as I so needed release, but other things needed to take place before I could think of that. As I walked down the stairs slowly, I began hearing my father's and his beta's voices clearer.

My father sounded enraged as his beta Chad's voice seemed to be filled with concern. Whatever is going on can't be good if my father is yelling, he does that when shit is about to hit the fan. I stood outside of his office silently trying not to draw attention to my presence as I heard his beta talking loudly.

"Alpha, I heard they are planning on coming here and we are not prepared for that kind of onslaught to occur. Yes, our warriors are trained well but this pack is pure evil. Yes, our warriors are trained well but this pack is pure evil. They do not care about werewolves, pups, or she-wolves. They only care about the ones they deem useful such as young males, she-wolves they can use and pups to train as they grow. Everyone else will be killed including elders, no one spared." Chad snarled aggressively.

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