Bringing Us Together ~REVISED

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Remembering my father's comments from earlier in the day I knew I wanted to do something, but what? I know he said no bonfires yet could I get him to agree to one for the whole pack? The warriors could stand guard around the open field ensuring our safety. We could do it as a potluck where everyone brought some sort of food and make it a celebration of the unity in our pack. I think it would reassure everyone and let them know without a doubt they were not alone!

Brent had gone home and now I am sitting in my room by myself looking at the English book my teacher wants us to read. Did he honestly believe we don't have a soul, or does he believe we do? I will have to ask his opinion on the matter tomorrow? I thought. Knowing how I felt on the matter I began reading the book and began to feel irritated at the perspective of the author...idiots I spat out. Well, I guess now you know his perspective on the book. I so disagree wholeheartedly!

I tossed my book to the end of the bed as I flopped back onto it closing my eyes just wishing for a few minutes of sleep before I went to tackle my next plan...the bonfire. His eyes bore into my own as his rage was evident, yet I was unsure why. Then I began thinking and remembered that while Brent and I had been kissing I saw his eyes and they were livid. Feeling a wave of sadness wash over me I realized my actions had upset the one who watches over me. Wait, why should I feel bad for living?

No, I didn't like upsetting the bearer of those eyes because there was something so much deeper within them, but I couldn't figure it out. Why have I seen those eyes my whole life and moreover, why do they watch me? My brain began wondering if this werewolf who held these eyes could be part of the pack that was making it known they planned on attacking us...would he do that?

A surge of fear surged through me knowing that if this horrific pack came here lives would be lost, the ones I have grown up with and loved will be no more, or they would be used as this phyco sees fit. Hell no! I growled to myself not liking the underlying truth of what would happen to the wolves who were spared, let alone the ones who would be slaughtered mercilessly. This is my family! I growled out in anger. Yet the eyes never changed outside of gaining an edge of curiosity.

Feeling my day weighing on me heavily I finally let my mind wander to better things as my mind drifted to Brent. I sighed contently knowing that no matter what I would protect my werewolf beast I truly wished was my true mate. As darkness began to creep in, I could have sworn I heard a growl as the image of Brent popped into my head a moment before. Did I just hear someone growl?

I panicked as I jumped up looking around my room expecting an intruder within my room. I do not know this growl, it was threatening and sounded purely vicious. Once again I heard a low threatening growl as a word came with it.

"Mine!" The voice growled almost malevolently.

My heart began to pound within my chest as my hands trembled. I once again looked around my room half expecting some giant wolf to jump out at me any moment. I shook my head hesitantly laying down once again as I closed my eyes pulling my pillow close to me as my body began to take on a fetal position as the fear still surged through me. Darkness finally found me as I exhaled deeply and passed into slumber.

The light of morning showed through my window as I could hear some of the pups calling out to one another as they were laughing and playing outside, below my window. I sighed wishing they were quiet, but they are just pups after all. 

Knowing I needed to talk to my dad I quickly jumped up out of bed as I grabbed my clothes and ran into my shower taking the fastest one I had ever taken in my life. I pulled my hair back as I slipped into my clothes running down the stairs hoping to catch my dad before he went to make his rounds and to run the boarders to ensure we were safe.

Reaching my dad's office door, I heard talking once again yet I am not letting anyone stop me from this! I swung the door open as my fathers and Chads eyes met mine in a questioning fashion.

"Jenna, what's wrong?" He asked with his face full of concern.

"Dad, I have an idea and I really would like your support on this. I would like us to plan a bonfire and do a potluck dinner while it is going on. The warriors can protect the clearing to make sure we are all safe. Please allow me to do this because with the curfews you have implemented the pack werewolves are becoming fearful and worried, it is pulling us apart as a whole. This will help bring us all together as one, to reassure them no matter what we are here for one another and to trust the werewolf next to them." I replied quickly wanting to get it out before I chickened out.

They both looked at me with curious expressions. I am not sure what they are honestly. My dad raised his eyebrow at me as I took several deep breaths trying to calm myself knowing he most likely will say no, but I had to try.

"It sounds like a good idea Jenna, are you planning on being the person to orchestrate this bonfire potluck?" He asked.

I nodded to him as a burst of happiness exploded within me. Now we have something to look forward to in this time where a massive shadow wanted to take all light from us. I smiled at my dad as I spun on my heels knowing there were a lot of things that would need to be done before it could be held. 

Realizing I had school today, but it seemed what was going on now was more dire than normal everyday learning at school. Would my father agree? Most likely not. I know I have several hours before I must be to school, so it seems like the perfect time to speak to some of the elder she-wolves within the pack to gain their help with setting everything up. 

I rushed outside hoping to see some of the she-wolves up and out of their homes when instead of one or a few of them my eyes landed square on a shirtless Brent covered in sweat as his beautifully tanned skin glistened in the morning light.

I felt my heart begin to race like a wild wolf in the woods. I want him as mine! His scent wafting in the morning breeze hit me like a ton of bricks as I inhaled deeply. My hormones ignited to life seeing him as a surge of warmth shot through me as I watched him helping an elder, she-wolf with wood she was trying to stack and bringing some into her home. My heart fluttered seeing what a kind, caring soul he is which made my longing for him increase by a colossal amount.

I walked towards where they were standing as a wide smile crossed my face as his head shot up, eyes locking with mine as he took a deep shuddered breath. A low rumble began coming from him as his pure desire took on an audible sound. I raised my eyebrow at him as my grin grew wider. A grin crossed his face as he bit his lip as he took me in.

"Morning my Jenna, is everything alright?" Brent asked as he took another shuddered breath.

"We are going to have a big bonfire with a potluck dinner. I need to get it set up and arranged. I want to show the pack we still are one and instill the knowledge that if something happens, we are always there for one another." I spoke proudly.

Brent looked at her with an aura of pride for what she had accomplished, this being the woman he wanted to have as his one and only true mate. He dropped the piece of wood onto the wood pile as he walked closer to me as my breathing began to tremble as a wave of need and passion washed over me.

 As his hot, sweaty body grew closer halting directly in front of me my eyes locking with his he grabbed ahold of me pulling me into him. As my body slammed into his own his hand wrapped around the back of my neck pulling me into a hot, sweaty kiss. Oh My!

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