Lust or Love

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I have made changes to this chapter, I do hope you enjoy

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I have made changes to this chapter, I do hope you enjoy. 

   Both Brent and I let out a sigh knowing we would have to be honest, so we knew where we stood

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   Both Brent and I let out a sigh knowing we would have to be honest, so we knew where we stood. Brent looked up at my father knowing he had never spoken his true feelings out loud in front of someone else, let alone me. I felt the same way, I had been in love with Brent since we were children. I couldn't deny it any longer, couldn't keep it under lock and key hidden away from everyone's sight.

   "Yes Alpha, I have been in love with your daughter since we were children. I had always hoped and dreamed she was my mate. To hold her, to pull her into my chest and breathe in her scent knowing she would be mine forever." Brent let all his walls fall.

   "Yes dad, I do love  Brent as well...just like him it began when we were children. He had my heart most of our lives, he proved it even more so with his actions today. His scent when we are close does drive me wild, I will not deny. Along with his warmth, his touch ohhh...." I cut my answer off as I looked to the floor as my cheeks heated up.

   I knew I was becoming aroused once again just with the image of us pressed together in our English class. My cheeks began to redden further, I could feel it as Brent inhaled deeply. I knew he could smell it from a mile away. Oh I was so in trouble, could I control myself not to pounce on this buff stud who I called my best friend? I had fought these feelings for so exceptionally long I didn't know if I would be able to control them much longer. My heart knew we wanted our true mate, yet my mind and body craved and yearned for Brent, where I knew I would be safe and secure within his tight muscular arms.

    I have known for many years I wanted to be with Brent, to be his mate, his love...yet, never knew exactly how he felt about it. I looked over at Brent, his eyes still wide as he looked upon me. He finally knew my true feelings, as to exactly how much I loved him. Our fathers grinned and knew this would be awkward for both of us now that feelings were out on the table. They just chuckled as they turned and began walking towards the open classroom door.

   "Oh and in regard to Samuel, I plan on teaching that pup what happens to someone who says they will teach my little girl her place. YOU are an ALPHA female.... that pathetic pup will learn a lesson and what respect is." My father sneered.

   My eyes grew wide as I saw his cold hard face with his lip lifting on one side, as if he had some sadistic thought that went through his mind something specific to be inflicted upon Samuel. I watched as I began to hear bones cracking of a shift as my father's body contorted into his stunning huge black wolf. He was truly magnificent to behold his thick black fur looking so soft, yet his appearance was enough to make you tremble in fear. He let out a growl and darted out the door, I knew where he was heading. 

   Straight to Samuel, I began to wonder if he would live through the night. I could hear the heavy thuds of paws on the tile floor leaving the school. I knew my father had so much on his mind right now with this other pack possibly coming here, and now I caused him more stress. Guilt began seeping into me, I didn't want to cause my father more worry than he already was dealing with. Yet, I knew what was coming for Samuel was going to be swift, serious and potentially deadly.

   In a way I was glad Sandy had rejected Samuel knowing that he was in for severe punishment, I am not sure what my father shall do but it will not be anything pleasant that is guaranteed. Now all that was left in our math class and it was just Brent and I, I could feel his eyes on me as if he were trying to still absorb what I had confessed to my father. He turned sensing my nervousness wondering where this put us, would we date, or eventually mate? I didn't know what to think honestly, the only thing I knew is my mind and body craved him as my lungs crave air. He walked closer to me bringing his large hand to my tiny waist sliding it towards my back pulling me into tight to his chest. 0 With pure passion, pulling my chest flat against his as his other hand went to my cheek which now, I am sure was as red as it possibly could be. I felt the heat within them burning as if to say my secret now was exposed to everyone to see.

   My breath hitched as the warmth of our bodies seemed to become one, his skin against mine felt like heaven. I had always wanted to feel this, now he was at my fingertips, engulfing me, enclosing me within his being. Brent leaned down finding my face his dark brown eyes looked black, full of passion and desire. He traced my bottom lip with his thumb gently running it along my jawline, as he slammed his hot soft lips into mine. The surge of passion seemed to explode between us, the utter desire finally released like a bomb on ignition. His hand slipping under my black tank top up along my back, the feeling of his hands on my skin sent pure tingles throughout my body. I knew I wanted him, and he wanted me just as much. Could we actually mate, be with the one we love and never have a worry again? My mind raced and wondered what would happen if one of us ever found their true mate, would we survive through the mate pull? I wanted to love Brent, to always be with him for the rest of our lives. I couldn't wait until my birthday, to finally know if Brent was truly mine!

   Yet, what about the holder of those eyes who say I am his? Is he my mate, how will he react if I mate with Brent?

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