Caught! ~REVISED

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My father looked at me with an expression of disbelief along with oh boy, is that rage? I am so doomed! I thought. I smiled sweetly at him hoping he wouldn't chew me a new ass for being late but honestly what are the chances of that?

"Why are you late for school, Jenna?" He asked gruffly.

My heart began to race knowing my father would surely yell at me later for this, but I have to say something now or he will think I am trying to fabricate an excuse.

"I'm sorry, dad, I wanted to talk to Brent and Steph about some things that have been happening and I needed a friend. I hope you don't mind and trust me I won't allow it to happen again." I rambled out hoping he bought it.

He sighed heavily as he nodded to us as I felt a wave of relief wash over me. What I had told him wasn't a lie...I did need my friends right then. Now the question is will I get a lecture when he gets home this evening? Oh well, I will take that to get away with this I thought to myself. I smiled widely at my dad as I could tell he wanted to smile at me and shake his head, but he would never allow anyone else to see that part of himself.

He raised his eyebrow at me in a questioning manner, but I knew there was one more thing I needed to say and yes, I was going to do it in front of the whole class. Now this I will pay for later and I so know it!

"I love you, daddy!" I all but sang out.

Smiling at him I turned and began to take my seat in the back of the room as Brent and Steph followed closely behind me. As we settled into our seats, I took several deep breaths hoping I could get away with this. I could have sworn I had heard a few snickers because as I said those words, my dad's cheeks reddened slightly showing he does have a heart. Oh yeah, I am so going to pay for that! I laughed to myself.

"I came here today because I am implementing a curfew for every werewolf within the pack indefinitely. There is nothing to worry about. I am just taking some precautions after being informed of some rumors which have been spreading between the packs. Rest easy and trust in your pack, we can handle anything. Every werewolf of the age of eighteen or younger is to be in by eight pm. Those above that age are to be in by nine in the evening. There are no exceptions outside of warriors doing their duties, and medical. I know you all like hanging out at the bonfire and all but that is at a halt for the time being. Sorry, all but that is how it is for now!" He deadpanned as he held an extremely serious expression.

We all looked between ourselves in shock at what my father said. Great now all of the students would ask me what is going on and I couldn't tell them! I looked to the front of the class to see my dad's eyes lock with mine.

"Danger may be lurking sweetheart; I need you to get them to adhere to the curfew. I am sorry for throwing this at you like this, but it is necessary for their safety." My father linked me.

I nodded my head to him knowing he must be majorly concerned about this pack coming here if he is coming into the classes to do this. I began to wonder where Chad was, why wasn't he the one doing this? As my father nodded to me, he walked out of the classroom leaving all of us stunned. 

The teacher stepped up now taking the place my father had just occupied as he looked at all of us with an expression of concern which it didn't appear he could conceal.

"Now I understand you all enjoy your time with your friends out in the evenings, but we need to listen to our Alpha and do as he says. I expect you all to cooperate with him regarding this. She is looking out for all of our safety so we can do this to show our appreciation." Mr. Slay spoke sternly.

Many students nodded their heads, yet there were ones who didn't. Samuel and his little pose of friends were some of the students who didn't respond to Mr. Slay but I half expected that. I felt Brent's hand slide over my leg as my hormones sprung to life once more. Oh what this werewolf does to me, I thought.

 I took a deep breath as I began to feel my core heat as he caressed my leg softly. I stifled a moan that wanted to escape at his slightest touch. I looked at him as his eyes seemed filled with love and concern. I could tell it wasn't concern for was concern for me! I smiled softly at him as he nodded gently as he squeezed my leg softly.

Goddesses help me I want this stunning werewolf as my very own! His long black hair tossed over his shoulder as stray pieces drooped down into his face as his dark brown eyes met mine, my breath catching in my throat. Oh my! He grinned at me with a mischievous grin only he could pull off. I shook my head at him as I tried to take another deep breath, but his scent washed over me filling my nostrils and lungs, a sense of calm washing over me bringing my frantic nerves to a screeching halt.

If this amazing werewolf doesn't turn out to be my mate then someone messed up somewhere and they sure as hell better fix it! I want him as mine! I growled low to myself as Lacey my wolf growled deep within my mind.

"Yes, Lacey we both agree he should be our mate." I told her.

"That is not why I am growling!" She snarled at me.

Damn, I have never heard her speak to me like this let alone anyone else.

"Then why?" I asked curiously.

"We need our mate, not him!" She growled viciously.

My mind racked as her words hit a cord with me but regardless of if he ends up being my true mate my mind and body want this beautiful beast. I smiled to myself knowing I would dismiss her comment for the time being. I haven't done anything as of yet...not that I plan to but who knows what will happen before my birthday. 

Fallen Innocence ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now