Undesirable to Desired

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I did add a little content to this chapter, not much though. Enjoy. 

   I awoke to a knocking on my door, I pulled my blanket off my head and told who ever it was to come in

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   I awoke to a knocking on my door, I pulled my blanket off my head and told who ever it was to come in. I know there's a schedule to keep, I hated this place worse than I have hated anything. outside of that Alpha. I sat up letting my blanket slide down to my waste, my red shoestring tank top on thankfully. Charlie walked in the door raising his eyes brow looking at me wondering why I was still in bed.

  "What time is your shower time? Because if it was this morning you missed it. We must head down to breakfast now, so get up hurry and get dressed. Your uniforms will be in the small closet there." As he pointed to the wall.

I swung my feet off the edge of the bed letting them rest on the floor as I tossed the covers off me and walked over to the small closet. I pulled the door open to find seven school uniforms, blouses, skirts, and dress shoes. I wanted to die, are they serious? I train with warriors and you want me to wear a skirt? Are they insane? I gently pushed Charlie out of my room pulling the door closed so I could dress. As I pulled everything on even the hideous shoes, I opened the door and wanted to fall into a pit to never be seen again.

    I sighed as I followed him down the hallway where I began seeing other students running for the dining hall. As I made my way down the stairs and into the dining all, it was no big surprise what fabulous color it was.... you got it WHITE! I shook my head and followed Charlie as I began to see what he was talking about some females being used in cooking or cleaning. As all the students sat down at the tables which ran from one end of the room to the other. Eight women began walking out with trays with plates on them placing one in front of each student. Is this all these women were worth to this pack? Didn't they have any ambitions or desires or dreams of what they wanted to be? The women kept their eyes down as they scurried back and forth from the kitchen with trays of plates until everyone had one. The head Mistress sat at the front table with what I assume were the teachers, enjoying their lavished breakfasts. You could see different breads, fruits and meats all piled on plates on their table. While we got a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon and some toast, oh and I can't forget the four grapes which were there as well. This is pathetic, how could this be aloud.

    I grumbled to myself and ate what was on my plate as I stared off looking at yeah, a white wall. As soon as I heard the head Mistress standing from her table, scraping her chair on the marble everyone's heads snapped up, but never eye level. They bowed their heads as she informed us our school day has begun and to get off to our classes. This was not a school, this was hell in white! ! I now found myself in a place where my life is dictated and all my choices are made for me, what happened to living a happy life with freedom. Thinking back to everything I wanted in my life...I am not going to say what I planned was perfect. It had its flaws but who can say their life doesn't have a few. I had planned on going to school for business, and I wanted to travel all over the world. Now I am trapped in a pack I do not know. I could feel Lacey stirring, she needed to be let out to run, being an Alpha female made it so we had to run more often than the other werewolves needed to.

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