Memory lane

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   I want to thank everyone who is reading

Love you all. New content to the chapter~ Enjoy!

 New content to the chapter~ Enjoy!

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   Rogues, dressed in what looked like rags, dirt and mud covering whatever skin was exposed...the smell of them alone had my stomach seizing wanting to expel everything it had in it. How could anyone let themselves go to that extent? To be purely vial, not to wash or even brush their hair it appeared. Were the old stories of rogues just being crazed out of their mind creatures, that didn't think rationally true? I stopped myself asking questions and mind linked my father telling him I spotted rogues on our lands. I also let our head warrior know as he notified our warriors of them and my location.

    I turned and headed towards where I saw the rogue running, hearing bones cracking, and shifting ahead of me...I knew they shifted into their wolf forms. Suddenly, I heard my father howl, as many others followed ...before my eyes I saw wolves smashing into one another. Teeth and claws flying mercilessly, I saw my father his large black wolf, standing proud and strong then suddenly he had his teeth sinking into a rogue's throat thrashing it as if it were a play toy. I saw the gaping wound left behind on the eyes grew wide, I wanted part of the action. I was training with the warriors since I was about two years old, I ran up behind a large chocolate colored wolf, but it's fur was matted and covered in what appeared to be mud and other things.

     I let Lacey take full control, she was fierce when fighting...she had no hesitation, no mercy for anyone who could harm our loved ones. Lacey lunged forward sinking our teeth deep into the side of the neck of the nasty looking wolf, the taste...omg the taste was vial. Lacey began thrashing our head as she clamped down further into his jugular and ripping it apart. The wolf dropped but not before it let a gurgling whimper escape through its teeth. I looked around and noticed the warriors had killed most of the rogues but, then I noticed a few further towards the settlement area. Lacey sprinted towards the ones that were now reaching the back of a house, no way was I going to allow them to harm anyone in our pack. We saw a large gray wolf slamming its body weight into the back door of a half brick and half green wood home, I knew the home to be the home of Mr. Sampson.

    He was about my dad's age and was one of the warriors so I knew his mate and children may be in the house. Lacey darted and sunk our teeth into its back leg a large yelping sound came from the werewolf, I knew we were tearing the muscles from the bone. We tore the hunk of flesh from the wolf and spit it out onto the ground as we lunged again, the wolf spun around snapping its huge jaws at me. Drool running down from between its filthy teeth, it almost looked as if he was rabid... it began stepping closer to us. We took a few steps back then jumped and lunged at the wolf, watching as its solid red eyes gazed at me in curiosity. Lacey crashed our body into it making it fumble to its side as Lacey being the crazy one sinks our teeth into the belly of the wolf. Growls and then whimpers escaped as he laid on the ground as his intestines and other organs spilled out onto the ground.

Fallen Innocence ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now