Honesty and Vengeance

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Graphic Content and Violence, Be advised.

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    My eyes fluttered open as I heard soft snoring coming from next to me

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    My eyes fluttered open as I heard soft snoring coming from next to me. I glanced over seeing Alpha Johnathan wrapping his arms around me tightly with his face buried in my hair. His hot breath brushing over my new mark sent a surge of desire through me. Damn...how did this happen? I thought I had it under control when I went to attack him. Our mate bond was complete, stronger than I had ever felt before, this wasn't a normal bond. We had bonds in many ways, our Lycan's, human form, and I am sure wolf as well. I had tried to ignore Lacey, but she was content and was letting a low rumbling growl out from happiness. I rolled my eyes at her.

   "You feel it also, so don't roll your eyes at me. I told you to wait for our mate!" She scoffed at me.

   I moved slightly needing to go to the bathroom, which I could see the door near the broken table. I slowly began trying to unlace his arms from me, they felt like large timbers across me. As I grasped his wrist and began lifting his arm, a vicious growl ripped from between his teeth. My eyes grew wide as I turned to look down at him, his eyes trained on mine.

    "Bathroom? I tried not to wake you, but I need to use it." I whispered.

    "Mm...I see. Hurry yourself up and DO not be long little mate!" He demanded.

I rolled my eyes at him and stood up and walked to the bathroom closing the door behind me. I could feel how angry that made him. He wanted me in his sight, did he really think I would be always in his sight? Seriously? I am sure he has Alpha stuff to do and I am sure I won't go with him.

    "Oh, but you shall be mate!" He replied in my head.

   I let a whine out knowing now I would never have a second to myself. He was determined on being with me every min, then I needed to find a way, so he didn't. Yes, I felt the bond as well, just as strong but I would like some alone time too.

    "Well, I do not. So, you shall learn to adjust! We have some matters to attend to this morning, you shall be there...I have a present for you when it's done." He spoke through the link.

     I just hummed him and wondered what he was talking about. Was he going to be cruel to me again after last night? Want to kill more of my loved ones? I still hate him for that. I used the bathroom and as I opened the door, I noticed he was not lying on the bed....my heart began to panic. I could feel myself tremble within, what is wrong with me? I walked out of the bathroom to the chair in the far corner to grab some clean clothes from my bag. I wanted to take a shower, especially after last night. When I felt a strong arm wrap around me pulling me into a hard chest. A sigh escaped me as the sparks surged through me like it did last night...amazing. I brought my hand up to his mark on my neck, it was like I could hear him grin at me feeling his mark. I turned my head back to look at him, sure enough he wore a large grin as he raised his eyebrow at me.

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