Shock for All

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     The guys were all talking about what the scouts informed us, there was a break in their perimeter. We were ready to take this Alpha and pack down. We already decided we would house the pack members we take here. We have a large compound, house on the property that we had for a case like this. They would stay there until they are moved back to our pack with us. We will evaluate the women, children, and young males as they come in. I wanted to take this Alpha down for trying to attack my lands after he knew we had been attacked already.

    Selfishness of this Alpha was outstanding, he had no regard for others. Now he shall pay the price! We decided the pack would take the perimeter and begin to corral everyone towards the main house. Brent had firsthand knowledge of the pack land since he had remained there for a week or so. He told us where security and stations were, does this Alpha realize what he has started? I felt sorry for the women who may lose their mates, what if they were just following orders and didn't agree with the Alpha?

   "Johnathan, what if there are pack members who don't agree with the Alpha but are just following orders? I feel bad knowing that women are going to lose their mates if their mates are innocent. Is there something we can do to help that from happening?" I asked.

   Johnathan seemed like he was thinking about what I was saying, he could do something...they could gather all the warriors from Pikes Peak pack and see how they react to things. If we gather everyone together then we may be able to offer them not being torn apart. I could see he was deep in thought, but he was quiet. He stood up and went and began talking to the Valic's along with Brent, I am guessing they are looking at our options. I hadn't mentioned to Johnathan I plan on dealing with he Alpha myself. I want him to realize what he was trying to take and what I am capable of! Johnathan knew I was planning something, but I blocked him from getting into those thoughts, well not so much getting into them. I blocked him before I thought them. I grinned to my self as he squinted his eyes at me, not pleased that I was keeping something from him.

     "You do realize there are two of us, yeah?" Brent said through link.

     I felt everything crashing, if he told Johnathan about what I was planning he would not allow it by any means, he would have me in a padded room. I know Johnathan doesn't stop me from taking vengeance but when it comes to this Alpha, I have a feeling he would try. Brent looked at me shaking his head no, I guess he thinks Johnathan would let me have this Alpha. I smiled wickedly at the idea of ripping him apart slowly. I felt something in me changing, I have since my Lycan had emerged, causing someone to suffer and causing pain and ripping someone apart was appealing to me.

    Not innocence, but the ones who would benefit from harming others...OH yes! Yes, I know I am getting sick, I am enjoying disemboweling and shredding and causing others who would do harm... suffering. I felt a surge at the idea of getting my claws on this Alpha...I could always neuter him and make him an omega. I thought. I smirked. That the boys may have an issue with, well maybe not. It seems like we all have become more sadistic since our Lycan's have wasn't just me. Brent has changed massively. 

     I realized for the first time how incredibly in love I was in with my mates. They are protective, caring and they even care about letting me have my sadistic little way at times. I giggled. I walked into the living room and noticed our guests all sitting around the room talking and joking with one another. I began feeling kind of bad keeping what I planned from Johnathan...ugh was this part of the bond? Feeling guilty not being totally honest or hiding things from them. Brent raised his eyebrow raised and he nodded. Fine! I thought. I walked up to where Johnathan was sitting in the red velvet covered high back he looks amazing. I sighed happily.

      "Johnathan, I want to be the one to play with the Alpha! He needs to understand what I am capable of!" I said firmly.

     Johnathan blinked his eyes as he was in disbelief in what I had just said. He crossed his massive arms over his chest looking at me with hooded eyes. Ah, damn here it comes I thought.

     "Oh, I see how you are, you want to take all the fun and leave your mates the scraps." Johnathan grinned.

   Wow, that is not what I was expecting him to say. I thought I would get a no...or even a HELL no. I laughed for being so nervous that he would tell me no. He nodded at me; I know there was a stipulation built into the agreement of it. I know he would want him and Brent to be there as well. The guys had completed making the plans for the invasion of the other pack. Tomorrow night is the night... we will begin at sundown; I was excited yet nervous at the same time. I had never been part of a fight like this. Nor has Brent.

     We called it a night, well perhaps I should say was about five in the morning when we all headed to our rooms. As I walked into our room the boys looked at me with an odd look...what did I get into. Johnathan walked up to me and ran his fingers down the buttons of my shirt to the rim of my jeans with a mischievous grin on his face. Brent walked up behind me as he nodded to Johnathan, he proceeded to unbutton my pants sliding them down my pale legs. I looked between the two of them, oh boy I grinned widely. I was extremely interested in what they had in mind. Feeling them running their hands over my skin sending electric surging through me, my head threw back at the feeling. Oh, I will never get use to his feeling as I felt chills surge down my spine. They reached for my top pulling it up over my head, then unbuckling my bra, that went flying across the room.

    The guys seemed to have an idea, but I was not sure if I was going to like it, I am willing to give it a go I thought. I was listening to their thoughts and for some reason Cliff was involved in them. Why would they be thinking about him now? The poor guy needed a mate as it was, and here these two were thinking about him while they were undressing me? Is there something I need to know? I looked at them and raised my eyebrow at them as they grinned widely. Oh, they were being evil, what were they planning.

    "Little mate, I have seen you check Cliff out, I do not want you to hide things from us. How do you feel regarding Cliff?" He asked.

I looked at him confused, did he mean as his beta, or being in the house or what?

    "What do you mean? I am confused." I replied.

    "We did hear your thoughts about how he looks and such little one." Johnathan spoke.

         My eyes grew wide, did he listen to my thoughts when I was evaluating his Physique, I can not help that Cliff is a good-looking man, alright a bit more than simply good looking. He is tall and massively built, slender but he looks huge because of his muscle mass. I bit my lip as I thought about it. As both Brent and Johnathan now were standing in front of me with their large arms crossed over their chests. Oh boy...I smiled at them, were they listening again. NO! Why do they do this to me. I really need to learn to block them out, but then my guilt gets to me and I spill anyways. I sighed. Their eyes lit up in curiosity and excitement? I was more than confused now.

     "Little mate your heat is coming any minute, and you are a Lycan, I am not sure if the two of us will suffice to satisfy you during that time. When it comes to Alpha females, typically it takes several to satisfy her, more than two. You, being you, I have a feeling it will take more. I am trying to figure out who we can trust and who you find well...attractive. I want you to be honest with doesn't matter who they are or what their standing is." He spoke.

     My eyes grew huge, my jaw had dropped in understanding what my mate was asking me. At least I think I understand what he is asking.

    "Are you asking me who I wouldn't object else giving it to me in terms? Y... You also make it sound like one or two more may be needed. Is that what your asking?" I stuttered out.

   Brent and Johnathan both nodded their heads, how could they be alright with this when they are my mates? I looked at them with utter shock. Was I really going to tell him who I thought was hot? Oh, my goddess I can not believe I just thought that. I closed my eyes for a moment taking a deep breath in trying to calm myself. I couldn't believe we are having this talk while I am just standing here in my panties. What did they plan on them coming and joining us now? My eyes grew wider in shock.

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