Blood Moon Pack ~REVISED

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I grinned widely as I tried to act as if I was paying attention to what Mr. Slay had to say about the next book he wanted to read, something called 'Soul, fact or fiction.' We all know that we have a soul so why would he want us to read this book and do an essay on it? It doesn't make sense in the least, but could I argue with him and get away with it I wondered. 

Honestly how could anyone write a story about this unless they know for sure if or if there is not a soul within all of us? Did they die and come back? If not, they are just so full of shit! I growled low not wanting to read the book, but I knew I had no choice.

Brent squeezed my leg firmer as he peered over at me with a look of concern as I shook my head as if to tell him I was alright, but am I? I felt rage that he would give us an assignment like this, anger over the possibility of a pack coming here to harm or destroy us and most of all Pure passion and lust building fast and strong when it comes to my best friend. 

I know my dilemmas may not seem like a shocker to others but to me it is a lot to process at once. I sighed out knowing I wanted to ask Mr. Slay if he had ever heard of the Blood Moon pack and to find out as much information about them as I possibly could especially before they perhaps come here to destroy my world.

I phased out as all of the information swirled within my mind as Lacey sat in the back of my mind growling low. She surely was not helping the situation in the least. I growled back at her angerly as she glared at me with anger. 

I guess I can never win with anyone but today I will take the next step in trying to figure this all out even if I have to do it by myself! I am aware Brent and Steph will want to help me but if they did would it put them in increased danger? I will not sacrifice my best friends for anything, not even to save myself.

Noticing Mr. Slay not talking I looked up as he looked at all of us and sighed.

"Please all of you be careful and do what your Alpha has commanded!" He spoke warmly.

The bell rang and I knew this was my chance to see if I could gain some information from him, or so I hope I can. As the students filed out of the class a few looked back towards me but then continued to where they were going. I stood up and began walking towards Mr. Slay showing clear determination and a stoic expression as he stiffened against the edge of his wood desk.

"Mr. Slay, I have a question for you and after you answer me, I would like you to keep it to yourself please. What do you know about the Blood Moon pack? I had heard the pack is vicious and attacks others sparing only those who they deem worthy. Is this true?" I asked confidently.

His eyes widened greatly at my question, and he seemed to pale at the mere mention of this pack. What does he know I wonder to get such a response from him? Hmm...

He looked at me in shock but opened his mouth as if to protest my request then relinquishing his aversion to my request.

"Yes, I have heard of the Blood Moon pack Jenna who hasn't? They are the most ruthless and vicious packs in this country if not in all of them. Their Alpha took over a few years back I believe it was and since his Alpha-hood he has attacked over twenty different packs. From what has been said the only ones who survive, yet we have no way of knowing how long they survived mind you. But he took females, young males he could train into warriors and children which could be trained in the Blood Moon pack way from my understanding. When it comes to the old, frail, werewolves like me or mated pairs, they would parish at his hand. He doesn't care about anyone or anything! It is said he is mate-less, and his rage is legendary." Mr. Slay rambled out.

"Alright, but what else do you know about this Alpha? You mentioned he has no mate, he's ruthless but how did he end up the Alpha if he is so bad?" I asked him.

"You have to understand that when it comes to Alpha's like this the only thing you can do is pray to the Goddess that you never catch his attention. I don't know much but I have heard that he took over from his father and gave him a choice. He could go to a pack he took over across the country or die, plain and simple no wavering. Now his father is there and running the pack which he had conquered only leaving the ones he deemed useful. You are correct, he has never found his true mate from my understanding, nor does he want to. It's told he feels having a mate would make him weak like his father which he will not stand for. He thrives on being vicious and sadly he enjoys harming others. It doesn't matter if you're a male or a she-wolf, he would slaughter you for even looking at him." He trembled out.

Wow, how could an Alpha be so hateful towards others?  

"He sounds like a monster! How can someone hold so much hate within them that they could do such things?" I spat out as my stomach lurched.

"Jenna, for instance if you came up against him you would only survive because you are a she-wolf and are deemed worthy to live, but the kind of living you would do you would not wish to have survived." His face turned grim as he answered.

"What do you mean? What happens to the she-wolves he takes?" I questioned swiftly.

"Jenna, I think perhaps it is best if you do not know what they say." He growled low.

"Tell me! I want to know!" I growled out as my Alpha tone seemed to explode with my words.

His face turned grim, as he took several shuddered breaths then sucking a deep one in as if he was preparing himself to give me the answer I was seeking.

"Damn it, Jenna, I really do not want to tell you but you're leaving me no choice. The she-wolves he takes from what I hear are offered to his warriors for their use... for their sexual needs. It is said they don't survive long after their abuse because they are so vicious as they take them." He answered with regret.

I felt my jaw drop open as I heard a vicious growl building within Brent. I couldn't believe what I had just been told. Could that happen to our she-wolves? No! I growled to myself, there is no way I will allow that to happen. 

I nodded to my teacher as he picked up his bag and walked out of the room leaving Brent and I standing there in shock. Brent snaked his arm around my waist pulling me into his arms squeezing me to his chest as my breath trembled and tears filled my eyes.

"Our pack!" I cried out as I clung to him fiercely.

"I know, we will figure something out if needed Jenna...No one is going to hurt you!" He growled low in a protective fashion.

Sparks surged through me as his touch calmed me and sent sparks down my spine as the pure need once again sparked to life as my core heated. He inhaled deeply smelling my arousal as a low growl vibrated within his chest.

"You have no idea how I hope you are my mate!" He growled in my ear.

His hot breath fanning over my neck as a whine escaped from my lips as I clung to him tighter.

"As do I Brent." I whined out as my breath became ragged. 

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