Trust in Them ~REVISED

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"Secure the boarders, I do not want any werewolves coming in or going out of our lands until we find out exactly what is going on. I realize we have several warriors going to get provisions from town today, but I want only our most trusted ones going. They can improvise, if need be, but I do not want any others off of our lands for now. 

Another thing Chad, I don't want this mentioned to anyone. We don't need the pack going into a panic. We need to find out if these are just rumors or if they are actual accounts of it being overheard or being told to them by someone in the Blood Moon pack, understood?" The Alpha stated.

With my father saying that I felt my heart sink knowing some pack may actually be coming here, but why? From what I gather from what Chad said it isn't for a friendly visit...what about the pack? My heart raced wildly within my chest as I felt my throat constrict as tears welled within my eyes. 

How could anyone do this to innocent werewolves who have never hurt anyone? I growled out low knowing I couldn't go around warning the pack due to what my father had stated but I wanted to tell my best friends.

I quickly went into the kitchen trying to flee from the office door knowing they could step out at any time. I leaned forward resting my hands on my knees trying to take deep breaths which seemed to be failing me.

I panted as my heart quickened even more as a wave of fear for my pack washed over me. What can I do to help protect my pack, I wondered? My mom being the observant one in the family must have taken note of my status as she walked towards me from the table placing her hand on my back as she rubbed it softly.

"Trust in your dad honey, he would do everything in his power to protect the pack, you know this." She spoke soothingly.

I quickly nodded as I tried to regain some form of composure. When I closed my eyes taking a deep breath those eyes were there waiting. Could the owner of those eyes have anything to do with what Chad had informed my dad about, I wondered.

Dismissing my thought, I decided to quickly wipe my eyes and put on my brave face as my mom calls it. I nodded to her as I turned and began towards the front door noticing my dad and Chad now standing outside of the office.

"Honey, please make sure you stay with Brent or someone today alright?" He asked me which was curious.

"Sure dad, not a problem." I retorted knowing that was a bunch of bull but had to play the part.

He smiled lovingly at me as I turned and opened the front door stepping out. I quickly closed it trying to remain in control of my emotions. Alright so I am a soft heart, I care about my pack, and I worry. 

As I stepped out on the front porch, I noticed Brent and Steph leaning against the stone wall waiting for me. Everything in me screamed for me to tell Brent and Steph what was going on. I pondered it for a moment...that's all it took, and I broke.

"Guys we need to have a little talk, no it isn't anything good." I informed them with a serious expression.

I walked up to Brent taking his hand in my own knowing that before we went to school, I wanted to tell them what was happening along with getting a hug to hopefully help me calm further. My emotions are all over the place knowing our pack and the werewolves who trust us with their care could die. He followed me without a second thought as did Steph. 

We walked further from my house knowing I didn't want someone over hearing what I was about to tell them. As we reached an old gazebo which sat out near the small lake area just off in the woods I sat down on a large bolder as they watched me intently.

"Jenna, what is going on? You look upset and trying to hide always get that scrunchy face when you do that." Brent stated.

"I overheard our parents in dad's office. Your dad mentioned something about a pack coming here and needless to say not for a friendly visit!" I growled out as tears filled my eyes.

Their eyes widened in realization of what I was saying as I noticed many questions building in their eyes, yet not even I have the answers. I just hope our warriors have trained hard enough to handle an assault from another pack. 

Remembering the name of the pack that was mentioned in my father's office I began to wonder if Mr. Slay may know more information about this Blood Moon pack. If he did, I hoped he would be willing to share it with me.

"Neither of you can mention what I told you to anyone, give me your word!" I demanded.

"You know that you always have my word, Jenna. I would never betray your trust." Brent spoke surely.

"You're like my sister, I give you my word I will not say a word to anyone about what you told me in confidence." Steph replied.

Feeling a touch of relief hearing them give me their word I knew we needed to get to school and do it quickly. Our discussion had already taken far too long.

"We are going to be late; we need to run!" I called out louder than I meant.

They nodded to me as Brent grasped ahold of my hand as we ran for the school hoping we were not late. Steph trailed behind us knowing she couldn't afford to be late either knowing how her parents felt about her always being timely for things.

 As we ran across the green grass the school came into sight. Several students were walking into my relief. As we arrived at the stairs, we looked at one another smiling knowing we had beat the clock, or so we thought. As we began walking down the hallway, we only saw a few students lingering in the hallways. I was thankful only for one reason.

I didn't have to deal with those who so loved picking on me or degrading me with their foul comments thinking I wouldn't hear them. I swear they forget we are werewolves and have exceptional hearing. Either forgetfulness or just pure cruelness, either way I was thankful for one day without the ridicule.

 We arrived at the door of our class and seeing it already closed didn't bode well with us not getting into trouble. I wondered could I play the Alpha's daughter card, or wouldn't that work I wondered. Taking a deep breath, I guess I will give it a go.

Brent remained holding my hand as I stepped into the class all prepared to give Mr. Slay my excuse for us being late when I was met by a pair of eyes that I so did not want to see at this moment. Damn it!

"Hi Dad." I whispered out as I dropped my head in defeat.

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