Truth Discovered

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Brent POV

      Several days have passed and the members of my pack that are left seem to be adjusting well

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      Several days have passed and the members of my pack that are left seem to be adjusting well. They have been spending time among the other pack's members, they had made friends. The children were all playing out in the courtyard giggling and being what they should be, just kids. Jameson wanted to have the talk he had mentioned days ago, yet today is the day. I hope some things shall come to light as to why there are so many young rogues running around. They are just children, parentless and without hope. I wanted to see them all happy and in a pack that will protect them. My mind kept wandering to Jenna, I was worried sick about her...I had lost the ability to feel her or hear her. I did feel the pain from our bond being stretched to thin...I wonder if she is feeling the pain as bad as I am. In a way I hope she is, but in other ways I hope she doesn't. I don't want her to feel pain, I want for only her happiness. As I sit here at a small table outside of the house I am staying in, Sarah came out holding a cup of coffee for me...setting it down in front of me on the table.

    "Alpha, how long are we going to stay here before we go home?" Sarah asked.

  "Sarah, we shall be leaving in another four days...I am going to give it another day or so to make sure no one is lingering behind to see if we come back. When we do head back, I will check things out before anyone will be allowed to come back into the main areas. I do not want everyone to see what may be left behind in the wake of the attack. Children do not need to see their families lying dead on the ground, those who they loved. I shall ask for a few to accompany us so they can lend me a hand to make sure things are ready for you all to come back in." I answered her.

    She nodded in understanding; she didn't want to see her husband lying dead on the ground let anyone her pack mates. I looked at my watch to see what time it was, I was to meet with Jameson around noon. We were going to do this in his office in the main house, I asked Annabelle and Stanley to accompany me since their pack was attacked by an Alpha called Johnathan as well. They were two children set to be rogues due to the attack. Everyone had showered and had time to recover from the long was exceedingly kind of Jameson to offer to transport us back to our own pack lands, so we did not have to trek it back.

   I smiled as I watched the cubs playing with the ones from Jameson's pack. I hope him and I can become friends as well, like he had with my past Alpha. Friends are hard to come by, packs seem to be out for themselves and not to concerned about making alliances among one another. They seemed to all just seek power and what had power they could possess. I had heard stories about witches and other beings, but the one I must admit I always found fascinating was the old childhood stories of the Lycan's. They were powerful, noble, and more than anything else... Fierce! They would protect their own with everything they had. Over the years the stories said that humans were the reason for our species losing that noble breed of Werewolf. 

     The things this Alpha is doing, would never fly if the noble Lycan's were still in existence. They ruled with an iron hand but had compassion for others. They helped those who need it, but if any tried to hurt their pack's nothing but blood and body parts remained by the end of it. Their bodies were made for fighting...they weren't forced to be on all fours. They stood tall; their heads did change into something was part man part wolf...but PURE POWER. No normal werewolf could survive against a Lycan. It is said that the only reason that Lycan's went out of existence is because the humans hunted the females. I guess there is an old legend that a female Lycan would be born that held so much power she would be able to bend even the strongest Lycan to her will. 

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