Where the Hell am I?

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   I opened my eyes seeing a bright tan ceiling, this was not my room, nor did it smell like my home

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   I opened my eyes seeing a bright tan ceiling, this was not my room, nor did it smell like my home. Where am I? I sat up looking around, the walls were painted green with wooden frames hanging on the walls. I began to panic as fear rushed through me, what was going on?  The last I remembered everything went into darkness after I watched my mate vanish into the distance.

   The smells here were different, I could smell something cooking, I can't say it smelt like something I would want to eat. I pulled the green and white comforter off me tossing it towards the end of the bed. I couldn't understand how I got to this place, or who's place it was. I stood up onto the tan carpet which covered the floor and walked to the simple wooden door which divided me from the rest of wherever here is. I reached for the door handle expecting to be locked in, yet the door was unlocked, I gradually pulled the door open as my eyes took in everything around me. It simply seemed like a normal house nothing lavished. The walls were tan on the top half of the wall, the lower half was covered in what appeared to be pine. Geez more wood, I thought my dad was bad when it came to loving things in wood.

    I took a step out of the bedroom I had found myself in, wondering where here was. How did I get here? I noticed a set of stairs leading down to the main floor, as I began walking down the stairs, I heard voices. Voices I did not recognize, did the attack happen and was I brought here? I reached the bottom of the stairs as I noticed a voice of a female was growing closer to where I was standing in shock. The woman came into view, wait, what? The woman looked almost identical to my mother; how could this be? I knew it wasn't my mom so how is it possible she looks just like her right down to the smallest detail? The only way I know it isn't my mother is her scent is different, she smelt of citrus and roses. My moms' scent that smelt like lilacs and Carmel.... this woman was not my mom. My eyes I am sure were the size of platters as I watched every movement the woman made. She began walking towards me with her hands up in surrender, my brows furrowed trying to figure this out. My mom never told me she had a twin or was this woman just someone who coincidentally looks exactly to my mother.

   "You are safe Jenna; you do not have to worry. I think we should go sit down and have a little discussion, I am sure you are very confused and are wondering what is happening." The strange woman spoke.

    I nodded with a scowl on my face, I felt my fear and anger building at what was happening right now. She led me into a room where there was a fireplace, with several couches and chairs placed in a genuinely nice pattern. The crackling of the fire was soothing, yet with the rage and fear I was feeling it wasn't going to help bring my nerves off edge. There was a plush black couch which sat not to far from the fireplace, I walked over sitting down on it as I looked around taking in my surroundings. I heard a male's voice speaking with the female I am guessing from perhaps the kitchen.

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