Night Star School

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    I opened my eyes wishing they hadn't, why do I have to still endure these tortures which we call life? I could hear my Aunt moving around downstairs, yet the sound of my uncle was no longer in the house

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    I opened my eyes wishing they hadn't, why do I have to still endure these tortures which we call life? I could hear my Aunt moving around downstairs, yet the sound of my uncle was no longer in the house. I sat up bringing my knees up to my chest as I felt the real me no longer existed. I know I saw those eyes last night; I took all those images of what happened to me, I focused them to the one who holds those eyes I always see. I was trying to show him what has happened. Would he help me? I couldn't link anyone from my pack, I was so far away it felt from everyone that I loved. I missed hearing my mom tell me to get out of bed and get moving. I sighed as I climbed out of bed and went and started my shower, almost scalding hot. I wanted to clean all of them off me...I wanted nothing of them to exist anymore. I wanted the one who holds the eyes I see to slaughter all those who wanted to hurt me and more importantly the ones who have hurt me badly. I sat under the hot water scrubbing as if I were trying to wash away my skin. I noticed it was starting to bleed at how hard I was scrubbing my skin, I sighed and slid down the cold time wall until I was sitting on the bottom of the shower. I pulled my knees to my chest crying.

  Today I am supposed to start at my new school, my aunt said it was called the Night Star school. Yeah, what a name for a school, oh a boarding school to boot. So, after my shower I must gather the few things I have here which consists of some clothes nothing else. I stood up hurting badly even though I had hoped the hot water would have helped relieve some of my pain. I guess no such luck, well not for me. I walked out of the shower grabbing a towel wrapping it around my body and taking another to wrap my hair up into it. I turned to face the doorway to go get my clothes. I heard a noise in the hallway, I heard my aunt on the phone with someone.

 "What do you mean you heard my sisters pack was attacked?" Her voice seemed panicked.

   My eyes grew wide, how could this happen. I wasn't there to help my pack, my loved ones. My heart slammed in my chest, I could feel every ounce of me ready to collapse and just give out. I heart felt as it was being shattered into a thousand pieces, were they alive? Were they dead? My mom and dad? Oh, my goddess please help my family. I couldn't believe all this, now a new school on top of it. I have had enough; I am ready to try to escape from this place again. If it wasn't for knowing the ones who harmed me patrol the boarders I would try in a heartbeat. I dried off and got dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black tank top, I walked back into the bathroom dragging a brush through my hair and pulling it into a high ponytail.

   I exited my room, walking down the hall to the staircase. I had my small bag with me, that I am not sure who packed it had only shoved a few outfits into it. I walked down the stairs feeling every move I made as pain shot through me. I walked towards the kitchen tossing my bag on the couch, I was looking for something to eat. I pulled open the fridge and noticed there were only leftovers, no yogurt, or anything quick. I began looking in the cabinets when I noticed some toaster pops, I grabbed a package of them when my aunt walked into the room. She glared at me, then raised her eyebrow wondering what I was doing. I held up the toaster pop to her as she nodded.

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