Driven Frenzy

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 Sexual content Mature 18+ Only 

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 Sexual content Mature 18+ Only 

    The passion within me seemed to respond to Zac without reservation, reaching for the waist band of his pants unbuttoning and unzipping the jeans he had slipped on

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    The passion within me seemed to respond to Zac without reservation, reaching for the waist band of his pants unbuttoning and unzipping the jeans he had slipped on. As the bonds of his jeans released, I pulled his boxers down as his shaft sprang forward seeking attention. My eyes budged at the sight of his large member springing out seeking my touch. I took a deep breath knowing I was about to claim him in my own way as he had me. I felt my body respond to his hand on my shoulder as I grew closer to the ground as my knees touched the cold tile floor. His hard member was throbbing directly in front of me, a small gasp escaped my mouth when I realized its sheer mass. Now the question was, could I take it in? The passion surged throw me wanting to taste him, to please him, to make him mine.

   I looked up into those beautiful gold eyes gazing down on me, as his lip pulled back a bit noticing his fangs had released and were ready to mark me. A low growl escaped through his teeth, knowing me not touching him was driving him insane. Yet, when a deep dominant growl left his lip's I knew this was about to become aggressive, which I begged within it would yet would not speak the words. I placed my hand on his shaft gently stroking it from the base to his very tip, letting my finger rub his tip gently. A moan escaped his lips as I knew this was driving him deeper into the dominant frenzy, I knew Zac had held himself back, but no longer. His hand left my shoulder placing it on the back of my head as he grabbed my hair tightly to where it hurt.

    I felt his dominance pass over me as I melted to his touch, opening my lips welcoming him into my mouth. My tongue began circling his tip, tasting him, that was all it took for my body to go into a frenzy of its own. I slipped his large shaft deep within my mouth sucking on it as if he were my meal which I wanted to devour. I began to slip him in and out of my mouth as I ran my tongue along his hard throbbing mass, with my hand stroking the base of his shaft. Moans escaped his lips as he took total control over me, he began to thrust himself deep within my mouth, as if I had no control, my body reacted. I felt him reaching the back of my throat as he hit it making me gag a touch. With a slight sadistic laugh, he began to thrust his shaft harder and deeper within my throat as if he was saying I was his and he will do as he wants with me. I welcomed his shaft as I felt my core building and quivering reaching a peek from his dominance over me.

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