She's Mine

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Jonathan's POV

    I had been speaking with the team I was going to take with me as the front line of the attack, Cliff, Trevor, Grayson, Samuel, Stew, among others all were gathered around me

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    I had been speaking with the team I was going to take with me as the front line of the attack, Cliff, Trevor, Grayson, Samuel, Stew, among others all were gathered around me. We were discussing what we were going to do, we were about a mile from their lands and it would only take us but a few minutes to reach their land. When suddenly I felt a wave of fear, pain and agony ripped through me, as my inside began to feel like it was ignited on fire. I hunched over grasping my stomach as whines of pain escaped from me, Cliff grabbed my arm throwing it over his shoulder dragging me to the med tent. 

   As he set me down onto the cot, which was set up for any wounded, I felt a sharp surge of pain from different areas, my eyes went wide realizing what was happening. My mate was being assaulted against her will. I felt her cries, the pain that surged through her and from the exact region of her body being assaulted. My eyes flared knowing there were others harming my mate, feeling them violate her...I will have their heads! I thought. Finally, when it began to subside, and I felt no one touching my mate the feeling of new people touching her and doing the same actions to her but worse sent fury and rage through my system. Suddenly I felt something cutting into her, I felt her tremble as pain surged through her shoulder, a growl ripped through my teeth. When finally, my vision went black and I felt my body go limp.

    I could see my beautiful mates' emerald green eyes, yet now they were full of terror and agony. She looked at me tears filling her eyes as if she were whining out for me to help her. I felt utterly helpless to save her from what was going on. How could this happen? When I finally awoke, I was informed I was unconscious for three days. What the hell happened to me, I saw her eyes she is in pain, more than most a grown of my strongest warriors could endure. She was stronger than I thought, but how could this be?

   Was she not on her lands? My mind began to race knowing now that I had been away from my pack over a week. I sat up on the cot as the Dr. gave me some water to drink. She did have me on intravenous fluids, yet I was parched, if this had knocked me out for days what effect had it had on my poor mate. The idea of this happening enraged me more than I had ever experienced. While I was unconscious, I had shifted back to my human form, yet again I could feel my body shaking from rage, I knew I had to stop it before whatever it was took control again. We needed to help her. Yes, I am a cold killing beast but somewhere in me I could not bare others harming my mate.

    I went to the other tent where we had food I sat down as Cliff joined me, he looked up at me with questioning eyes. A low growl escaped from me knowing he needed to know but the realization of it all just caused a burning fire within me that needed to be extinguished with the perpetrators blood.

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