How You Two Spend New Year's

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Happy New Years everyone!! 2020 was the crappiest year, but I really hope 2021 will turn out great! I hope that 2021 will go great for you all, and I wanted to thank you guys once again for all the support, it really means a lot! I have a sapnapxreader and a Fundy's sister in the works now! So be prepared for when those come out! <3

Word Count:790


-Probably with his family
-Movie's and chilling with the family
-Right before the clock hits midnight, y'all would go to his room to have the special midnight kiss thing or whatever (nothing nasty) so you two don't make the others uncomfortable (especially Drista)

-Snacks and lots of them
-loud music
-George would doze off every now and then, but you would make sure to keep him awake.
-the midnight kiss thing happened outside as the fireworks went off in background and you had to describe what it looked like cause poor George is color blind :'(

-you two really just said "screw the family, let's just chill"
-Binged as much of HXH as you guys could
-Listened to his old middle school playlist
-stayed up til 5 am cause you two were too hyped to even blink
-Midnight kiss thing happened while he was on a call with George and Karl. 
-It was a quick kiss because you didn't want the others to hear.

-Drank too many monsters
-Hung out with Chris
-Technically had a little party
-Loud music
-games and lots of them (whether it be pc, console, board or card games)
-Kissed a little bit before the clock hit midnight because Chris went to go get food

-his family went out, so it was just you two
-Played Jackbox with friends and his twitch chat
-played music very loudly, almost had a noise complaint-
-Chat thought you guys were friends that just hung out a lot, so when the clock hit midnight, you two had a little kiss on stream to announce you two were more than they thought

-Alcohol and lots of it
-played guitar and watched a couple movies
-talked to Tommy and Tubbo before all the alcohol
-"Just try the vodka (y/n)!"
-"Fuck no!! That shit burns! I'll just stick to my beer!"
-believe it or not, you guys were crashing by the time midnight came around, so no kiss kiss

-same events as Wilbur..
-"one sip! Just try it!"
-"Fundy nooo!! Your nasty tequila burns! I'm sticking to the whiskey and that's that!"

-You two couldn't be together for new years, so you guys were on a discord call all night long, planning your next trip to see him.
-You were first to fall asleep on call, given you've been awake for a little over 24 hours.

-you prepared snacks for everyone, giving you were at his house and he had siblings that couldn't live without snacks
-Playing with Minecraft swords that the kids got for Christmas, Techno would always wind, saying his famous line.
-"Oh, (y/n), there's something wrong with my monitor upstairs, can you help?" Techno asked, pulling you away from everyone.
-that was just a diversion for him to gently kiss you as the kids yelled "happy new year!" downstairs.

Tommy and Tubbo (PLATONIC):
-everyone came over to your house
-played on your Xbox for like, 2 hours
-your mom made plenty of snacks for the three of you, so there was no dinner, but she got take out anyways
-the three of you jumped around when it was midnight, hitting each other out of excitement

-the two of you didn't do much..
-you guys tried out a bunch of shows, but there were ones you didn't like, he didn't like or just hate it
-The Good Doctor was something you guys settled on even though he didn't like how gory it could be
-little butterfly kisses throughout the night which makes up for him falling asleep in your lap before midnight

-Partied, that's what you two did.
-You guys hung out with some of Skeppy's offline friends and had the times of your lives
-you didn't drink, but he sure as hell did.
-"(y/n) pleaseeeee just one drink!"
-"Zak you know I don't drink."
-You didn't let him kiss you the night, but you did when he was sober again

-oh this man.. he flirted all night long.
-you guys hung out with the Lunchclub for old times sake
-both of you got hammered
-A couple people did walk in on your guys' make out sessions... But you guys never did anything bad
-"(y/n) I'm gonna beat you at mario kartttt!!!"
-"In your dreams ram boyyyyy!!!"

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