Dream Team x fem!reader- No More Trust (PLATONIC)

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So, for those who don't know, a few days ago George was dethroned and Dream made Eret king again. And just 2 days ago Tommy was exiled and Dream said some stuff that makes everyone very on edge about his character. Set in a AU where the SMP is real. And this was kind of rushed since I'm really tired, so sorry about that-


word count: 1,122 

"I don't give a fuck about anything! I only care about your disc's! I care about your disc's more than you do! That's the only thing I care about in this server actually!" Dream yelled at Tommy, his voice filled with venom. He shocked everyone there. Including the girl who hid in the bushes not that far away. (y/n) had been part of the Dream Team since it became a thing. She was so close with Dream... What had happened? So, she quickly ran to find Sapnap and George to tell them what she had heard.

"(y/n)? What's wrong?" Sapnap asked, putting down his sword that he was cleaning and walked over to the panting girl who had just randomly barged into the house. Her eyes were filled of fear and worry as she stared at the ground, not knowing where to start. George tilted his head, hearing the conversation coming from the other part of the house and he walked over, dragging his feet.

"Dream.." (y/n) started, her hands gripping her jeans tightly. How could she just say 'Dream doesn't care about us' to the two others without giving context. George quickly grabbed a water bottle from the closest chest and handed it to her, directing her to sit on top of the furnace while they stood in front of her.

"Dream said he doesn't care... about anything here. He just cares about Tommy's stupid disc's!" She said angrily, her knuckles hitting the top of the furnace roughly, making her skin become a bright red color as a crimson color started to leave the injured area. Sapnap and George looked at each other, not believing what she was saying.  

"We're his best friends... Of course he cares about us! What the hell is making him say that?!" George asked, his once thick English accent becoming almost non-existent as he yelled. Sapnap told him to calm down, knowing both him and (y/n) had extremely short fuses. Shorter than his own, and that was saying something.

"Don't you get it George?! We're nothing to him! He fucking said it himself! 'I care about your disc's more than you do! That's the only thing I care about in this server actually!' You tell me, George! Does that sound like something the Dream we know would say?!" (y/n) got off the furnace and grabbed the males shirt collar tightly. Even though the female was only about an inch shorter than the 5'9" man, she was still never intimidated by him.

"(y/n)! Calm down! I get that your mad bu-" Sapnap tried to calm the shorter female down making her let go of George and pushing the two out of her way, going back to her own home. Maybe on the way, she could find Quackity so she could just talk to him. Quackity had always been that one person (y/n) could go to to feel safe and can just vent as much as she pleased.

But to her demise, she ran into the one person she didn't want to see. A tall man with dirty blond hair and emerald eyes that could shoot a laser through a person if they made him mad.

"(y/n)! Hey, you okay? You seem in a rush." Dream reached out to help out the girl from the ground. Her eyebrows quickly furrowed in anger as she avoided eye contact with him and she slapped his gloved hand away.

"Why are you helping someone you don't care about..?" This seemed to startle off the taller boy, making him take a step back and look down at the other in confusion. He didn't understand what she was referencing to.. until the memories from not even 6 minutes ago started to flood his mind.

"What..?" Dream started to play dumb, the (h/c) haired girl chuckle as she stood up herself, her knuckles still a dark crimson that was starting to dry. (y/n) had never intimidated Dream. But there's always a first for everything right?

"You fucking heard me. How about you go treat those damn disc's like they're your best friends." (y/n) spat, walking away from Dream until she was pulled to a stop by her arm. The surprised male had stopped her, wanting to explain what it was about and try to rationalize with her.

"Save whatever you want to say, Clay. I'm joining L'Manburg and leaving you three behind. After all.." The girl paused, grabbing something from her belt. She threw the splash potion, making Dream drop to his knees and barely keeping himself up. (y/n) knelt down in front of him, grabbing his cheeks harshly so he was looking at her.

"I'm just a little witch.. Goodbye, Clay. Maybe Tubbo will care about me more than you did." She let go of his face as his eyes fluttered closed. He'd wake up in a few hours, it was just a weakness potion. Of course (y/n) felt bad, tears already gathering and threatening to embarrass her in front of everyone. But knocking Dream out felt like the right move to do so she could go talk to Tubbo and ask to join L'Manburg.

"Oi short stuff!" A familiar voice yelled out to (y/n), making her tense up. Of course Sapnap had to show up right then and there. She slowly turned to him, seeing that he was crouching on a hill that overlooked where she was.

"What, Sapnap? I'm not in the mood to talk." She stated, her arms crossing over her chest as Sapnap found his way down to her, using a water bucket most of the way. Once he got down there, his gaze softened and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I saw what you did to Dream.. And Quackity just came over and confirmed your words about what Dream said... On behalf of me and George, I'm sorry. But we're planning to make a new town called Mexican L'Manburg! We need a treasurer still... Wanna join us..?" He asked timidly. A new place? That means a fresh start...

"I'm in." (y/n) smiled gently, suddenly being pulled into a hug and spun around by the fire obsessed teen. This was going to be a fresh start, and she, along with the others, will finally be able to have a land where Dream couldn't tell them what to do anymore.

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