JSchlatt x fem!reader- Sick

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Um.. This one isn't the best (obviously) but I wrote this for the sole reason that I am sick myself.. I'll most likely add onto this when my brain is fully functioning cause this could have used a lot of more events to represent what I would think Schlatt would do if his partner was sick. But for now, have this :)

Word count: 1,181 

When (y/n) woke up on a Monday morning, she knew it wasn't going to be a good day. She could feel it. Yeah, she was gonna hang out with her boyfriend, Schlatt, but the dryness in her throat and the constant need to blow her nose made her think twice about her plans. 

"Hello?" The thick New York accent came through the line, his voice a little deep since it was almost 7am. Schlatt didn't wake up to his alarm set for 8:30 so he could be out of his house and on the way to his girls house.. Instead he woke up to his phone playing "I Wanna See Some Ass" which was set for (y/n)'s phone calls.

"Hey, Schlatt... Um, please don't get mad or start worrying, but I think I'm gonna have to cancel our plans for today.." (y/n) spoke into her phone softly, trying to gain the energy to eventually get out of bed so she could start taking care of herself.

"Uh, why? We planned this like last week. You seemed pumped about it!" Schlatt sat up in bed, rubbing his tired eyes to look out the window of his bedroom to see that the sun was just now starting to rise, introducing the new day.

"Hey, what did I say? Don't start getting mad. I was at my family's house a couple days ago, remember? My mom said she had a cold but it was going away so I didn't have to worry..." The female said, finally sitting up and running a hand through her (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"So... what you're saying is you're sick?" Schlatt asked, leaving his room and going to get some coffee. He heard a little sound of approval from his phone, making him sigh. The couple may have lived about an hour away from each other, but the last time they were actually able to meet up was when (y/n) had to go to a place close to his house because of the only library in New York was located there. That was 2 weeks ago... And Schlatt had been waiting to see his girlfriend and talk to her in person, not over the phone while she was half asleep from her long day of college classes of computer science (sorry if that isn't your dream job, I just thought that Schlatt would really connect with someone who was into computers).

"I'm on my way over, stay in bed, I have the spare key you gave me." Schlatt said, putting his coffee cup away and hanging up the phone before (y/n) could even process what he said. But once she did, she started to spam text him, telling him not to come over cause she didn't want to get him sick. But knowing Schlatt, he wouldn't care if he go sick or what she wanted. He was a man who stayed on one idea or task until it was completed.

About a hour later, (y/n) had gotten put of the shower sluggishly, little coughs escaping her throat just in time to hear the door open and keys hit the little table next to it and closing it quietly. Schlatt didn't want to make too much noise just incase (y/n) had gone back to bed after their phone call. But when he entered her room, she wasn't anywhere to be found.

"I'm in the bathroom, J. Just give me a sec to change.." The girl mumbled, loud enough for Schlatt to hear it. Her voice was softer than usual, probably in fear of coughing again since her chest was already starting to hurt from coughing so much.

"I thought I told you to stay in bed, sexy." Schlatt said, trying to lift up the somewhat down mood. (y/n) scoffed, shaking her head as she pulled her hoodie down so it wasn't all crumpled at the bottom by her waist. But that only resulted into a small coughing fit, making Schlatt sigh. Once the shorter girl walked out, Schlatt scooped her up, making (y/n) yelp in surprise. If she knew he was right there, she would have been more careful and avoided the situation, but she honestly didn't mind it.

When Schlatt set (y/n) on her bed carefully, he felt her forehead, making the girls cheeks turn a little pink as she looked up at his hand that gently caressed her temple. Schlatt shook his head and explained that the heat from her forehead, she most likely had a fever.

"Stay with meee.." The girl whined, making little grabby hands at the male who's arms were crossed at his chest.

"No, I'm going to go make you tea and find you something light to eat." He said, patting her legs and leaving the room which made (y/n) pout and grab her phone, turning on Markiplier (JUST PRETEND YOU GOT DRAGGED INTO HIS CHANNEL BECAUSE SCHLATT- or if you already liked Mark, that's awesome<3) and turning to the side to watch him and some friends play Uno.

Schlatt came back into the room short after, his eyes focused on the tea so he wouldn't spill it on the light colored carpet. (y/n) managed to turn around, and look up at her boyfriend, her eyes halfway closed as she was about to fall asleep to the 4 males yelling at each other for the constant +2's that were being thrown around. 

"Are you watching Mark without me?" Schlatt asked, the girl nodding and sitting up, putting in way too much effort to do so. When (y/n) was sick, she could barely do anything. She was exhausted, weak and very vulnerable. She picked up the tea and took a sip, being able to taste the hunny that was already soothing her sore throat. Schlatt sat next to the other, his arm wrapping around her waist and kissing her forehead gently. (y/n) smiled and put her tea down and leaning into the males side, felling more comfortable than ever.

It wasn't long after Schlatt started making comforting circles on (y/n)'s waist that she fell sleep, the blanket over her body and leaving none for the other. Schlatt stayed awake, watching the small screen in his lap and chuckling at the jokes that Mark, Bob, Wade and Jack made in the video.

Some people would have wanted a better date, but Schlatt was perfectly fine with this. Cuddling with the one he cared about most in this cruel world made him feel happy. And that's what he wanted to do for their originally planned date, watching YouTube or movies and just enjoying each other's company.

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