Sapnap x fem!reader- Prison Visits

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Hello Wattpad, I have had this in my drafts since Sapnap's lore stream which was like February 9th :] Please enjoy, it took me two and a half hours to write this. It is currently 3am. I also have gotten requests for part 2's on a lot of stories, so I'll definitely write those soon. Love you all and thank you for the support <3

Content Warnings: Violence, threatening, blood

Word Count: 2,095

Today was the day. (y/n) stood by Sapnap who was staring at the entrance of the prison. It amazed (y/n) how quickly Sam managed to build this huge thing. I mean, it took only a few months for him to do this.

"Don't worry, Sap.. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you!" (y/n) placed her hand gently on her taller boyfriends shoulder. The dark haired male looked over to her and gave a nervous smile. Ever since Dream cut ties with the three of them (George, Bad and himself) he never even batted an eye towards him. He was caught up in the fact that Dream possibly hated him. 

As the two walked in, (y/n) went to go press the button that summoned Sam and let him know that they were there. A few seconds went by and there was no response from Sam. (y/n) looked back over to Sapnap who had a confused look on his face. The h/c haired girl shrugged then pressed the button.

"Hello?" A deeper voice came through loud speakers that weren't visible. They could tell it was Sam just because of how stern he sounded.

"Sam? It's (y/n) and Sapnap. We're here to see Dream if that's okay?" The girl explained then heard a 'of course' come through the speakers. (y/n) walked back over to Sap and noticed he was picking at the skin on his already damaged fingers.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'll be right here the whole time." (y/n) reassured the weirdly quiet male, taking his hands into her own. Sapnap nodded and looked down at the stone floors.

"Okay, walk through the portal when you're ready. Let me know when you're through." The two nodded in obedience and did as told, walking through the nether portal that lead them to a small room that was definitely not the nether. And from there, they started their journey to see Dream.

Potion after potion, kill after kill, they finally made it to a wall of lava. Sapnap had been spacing off into the lava while (y/n) asked how Sam got all the materials. Sam simply replied with "lots of netherite resources and patience." When the lava reached the bottom, Sapnap and Dream made direct eye-contact to which Dream look away from them. 

"Walk with the bridge so you don't fall. Let me know when you're ready to leave." Sam said as he switched the lever and the bridge started to move, making the two people on it move along with it. Dream was sat against the wall, right under his clock. His uniform had been ripped at the arms and his left ankle had a cuff on it with a little bit of the chain left, showing that he somehow broke the chain off his ankle so he could move freely. 

"I'll drop the lava now, please stay clear of the edge." Sam said as he let the lava fall back down. The two stood behind the netherite blocks, avoiding any eye-contact with the other people.

"Hey Dream.." Sapnap spoke, his voice soft and cautious as if he said one thing Dream would explode. Out of anger or just any emotion. It's been so long since they've spoke.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Dream spat, looking at (y/n). You see, (y/n) and Dream weren't on good terms.. (y/n) always went against what Dream said and always stood up for the people he was trying to use for his own benefit. She told him off when she saw him blow up Tommy's belongings in Logdeshire (is that how you spell it??). That's when she lost her first canon life. Dumb way to loose such an important life, I know but it was worth it. That was the moment Dream knew he didn't have power over anyone.

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