Fundy x fem!reader- You Deserve Better (PLATONIC)

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Hello hello! I have officially ran out of writing ideas so if you guys have any prompts or ideas I can use, please let me know! I'll give you 100% of the credit if I use your idea! Also, this is gonna be spoilers for the Fundy and Dream wedding if you haven't seen it yet. Anyways, please enjoy this short one shot of the reader and Fundy <3

word count: 683

"Dream..? What..? Why??" Fundy asked his so-called "partner" after finding him behind the pillar... With George.. Lips connected and happily kissing back. It was right after the vows were spoke, Dream's sounding like some lame excuse of why he broke a plate.

"Fundy.. I.." Dream's thoughts ran, trying to come up with an excuse while everyone was saying he was kissing back and that Sapnap was on the verge of killing George. (y/n) on the other hand was with Sapnap, trying to shoot her bow at him.

The sound of glass shattering got (y/n)'s attention, everyone cursing under their breaths that Dream had used an invisibility potion to get out of the situation. Fundy just stood where he was, his hands weakly clenched at his sides as everyone reassured him that they were going to find Dream and make him pay. The girl in the suit, Fundy's "best man" walked over to him, her arms open slightly. Fundy and (y/n) had been best friends since... Well since ever.. Fundy was born in L'Manburg and she was born in the middle of some forest and abandoned.

"(y-y/n)... what did I do wrong..?" Fundy mumbled, tears slowly falling from his eyes and his ears folded down as he walked into the other's open arms. His tears stained the girls black vest, her hands making soothing motions on his back as Fundy gripped the black cloth desperately.

"(y/n)! We'll get Dream and George for sure! They'll pay for this!" Sapnap called out, determined to give his friends a talking to. Most likely with fire, but this place was already halfway destroyed, so it didn't matter. (y/n) gave Sapnap a fist bump and shooed him off as she told Fundy to go take a seat while she went to go get him water.

"I don't know what I did wrong.." Fundy breathed out, his voice raspy from crying other the man he loved. The one he thought that loved him back. Dream just turned around and hurt him.. Fundy felt like he didn't deserve the kindness he was receiving from his best friend.

"Fundy.. You didn't do anything wrong. It was all him. I don't know why he said yes to your marriage proposal. He was always a backstabber anyways." The female said, her hand placed on his back gingerly. Fundy deserved a lot better than Dream.

"I thought this would be my chance at happiness... I lost my father to insanity then an explosion, Eret was supposed to adopt me and now that's probably not going to happen, and I thought Dream was the one..." The boy took a deep breath, his hands shaking as he held back his tears that were begging to spill out.

"Fundy.. I get that you had your hopes up for Dream... But we all knew that he was into George. Remember that day he got flowers for George but covered it up saying they were for you? It was clear he was lying.. you were just blind sighted.." Fundy nodded to (y/n)'s words. He was too head over heals for Dream to even think about why he was acting off. He just wanted to be happy.

"Let's go home, Fundy... I have some ice cream and maybe Ghostbur will be there.. I'm sure he'll cheer you up." The other smiled as she saw Fundy's ears perk up at the words. He wasn't too thrilled to see his dead father, but knew that he could probably ask him for advice? No... He did the nasty with a salmon and here he was. Wilbur was not the one to go to for relationship advice..

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