Pet Names For Him

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This one is kinda small and not as good as the "Pet Names For You" one, but that's because I have no clue what people call their boyfriends- Tommy and Tubbo's were pretty easy to come up with tho-

word count: 627

- "Dream", "babe", "my love"
- Rarely use his real name since he doesn't like it.
- "Dreammmmmm.. I'm hungryyy!"
- "I'm in the middle of a manhunt, (y/n)! We can get food after!"

- "Georgie", "gamer boy", "love", "baby"
- "Georgie" isn't used much, only when you and Sapnap are picking on him for fun.
- "Hey baby? Can we watch (f/m)?"
- "of course, let me end stream then we can."

Sapnap: (warning- slight swearing)
-"cowboy", "handsome", "sap"<-- when you're really tired
-"cowboy" is just a funny one you use
-"handsome" is the one you use all the time, especially if he's feeling self-conscious or upset
- "hey handsome.. shit stream?"
- "mm.. and weird ass donos..."
- Bonus: lots of cuddles and playing with his hair when he's in this state

- "winner", "cutie", "hun"
- "winner" is rarely used, but used when he wins a Mr.Beast challenge or wins a game
- "Hun, wanna play Among Us with Jimmy and Corpse?"
- "Yeah! I'll get on my computer!"

- you try to say Spanish names like he does, but you stick to English since you always butcher them
- "king", "the light of my life", "quack"
- "Alex... you know you're the light of my life right?"
- "aw, (y/n)!! You're mine too!"

- "sad boi", "Wilby", "e-boy"
- You usually use "Will" or "Wilby" and the others are just jokes.
- "Wilbyyyyy!! Can I join your Try Not To Laugh??"
- "Sure, I'm sure the fans wouldn't mind. They love you."

- "hunny", "sweettart"
- "sweettart" was from your personal favorite candies and Fundy's first American candy that you saw him try.
-"Hunny? Can we please do somethinggg??"
- "of course. I'm sure chat will understand that I had something better than streaming to do."

- "hot stuff" (not in a nasty way), "handsome", the classics
- "hot stuff" and "handsome" is usually when you're really tired after your own streams.
- "hey hot stuff..."
- "Long stream? Go lay down, I'll get some snacks. You pick the show we're binging tonight."

- "blood god", "techno", "nerd"
- how do I explain this... you use all these nicknames all the time.
- "techno" and "blood god" is used when you join him and stream
- he secretly loves those nicknames even though everyone calls him that
- "hi, Techno"
- "hi, Nerd.. I'm streaming.. you know that right?"
- "mhm.. and I don't care-"

Tommy (PLATONIC): slight swearing
- "giant", "loud mouth", "mr.innit", "dumbass"
-if he makes fun of your height, you make fun of his.
- "dumbass" is usually used when you get into little arguments or you're just messing around.
- "oi, giant! I need help!"
- "stop calling me that! And climb on the counter!"

- "sweetheart", "pres. Tubbo", "small brain"
- "small brain" is just for laughs, Tubbo actually isn't small brain
- "Pres Tubbo! Do you have and Emeralds I can borrow? I need new weapons."
- "Bee! Yeah! Let's go find an ender chest!"

- again, you would call him the classics, too nervous to make any unique ones up.
- "babes", "sweetheart"
- "hey, babes? What do you want to eat?"
- "Take out sounds really good right now.. so, I'll pay for dinner tonight!"

- "night owl", "skepps", "keppy" (like how Bad says his name)
- He's usually awake or streaming by the time you get home from classes.
- "Skeppssssss! I'm home!" *no response but laughing*
- "must be trying to troll Techno again..."

JSchlatt: (slight swearing)
- "rodent", "handsome", "country boy", "Schlagg", "J/Jay"
- If y'all don't know what "schlagg" comes from, go watch his recent YouTube vids.
- "Oi, Schlagg! Dinners ready!"
- "God damn it! You too, (y/n)?!"

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