JSchlatt (Glatt) x fem!reader- The Afterlife

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TW SUICIDE!! I won't be going into detail on how the reader died, but I will just be describing the thoughts of what goes through the readers mind during this time. If you're uncomfortable with this topic, please go read my other chapters if you haven't already! I do have personal experience with this topic, so please don't compare it to your own or someone else's cause everyone has different experiences with this.. And my dm's are always open if any of you need to talk, but please try and see a professional if you are in this state! Don't forget I love you all!! Also @/ Charlie is a simp on Quotev!

Word Count: 757

Do it

No.. I can't

But you can! Quick and easy. Painless and fast.

But it is painful.. It's slow.. It's hard..


(y/n) sat on her bed with her head buried deep in her hands as she tried to block out the sounds. Just weeks after her lover passed away in the caravan from a sudden heart attack and these voices came into her mind. Telling her these awful things, keeping her from doing anything. (y/n) had been in her house for the last week, barely eating. At this point, she was already dead if she never got food in her system. Everyone forgot about her, but (y/n) always found little gifts in front of her door without any note.

The rope sat next to her, waiting for the moment she gave in. The moment she decided to give into the voices, telling her to off herself. No one would know and no one would care. The only people, well person, who would care would be Philza. He was the only one who seemed to care. Phil cared about everyone no matter who they were or what their backstory was. That's just who Phil was. But other than that, no one would care. 

(y/n) came to the realization that the voices were right. People may have came over in pity, left pity food, cared for her out of pity. So with removing her face away from her now damp hands, she looked at the rope and took a deep breath before placing the note on the bed in her place.

Dear anyone who find this,
I'm sorry. But I can't do it anymore. I don't want to be a pity case to you guys, I don't want to be a charity case. I can't be a bother to you all anymore. You all can take what you please from my home, burn it down if you desire. Do what you want with what's left of me. Throw me in lava, bury me, throw me in a ravine or put me somewhere in the forest. As long as I'm out of the way. My only request is that you take Sap (your pet cat) to Niki. I trust her with him. Or if Sapnap wants him, that's okay. I just want him to be safe. 

Take care everyone, don't be sad about me. Sincerely, and with love, (y/n).

Then it was black, quiet and cold. It didn't hurt anymore, she was finally free. The blinding white light that everyone talks about when they speak of death shines brightly in to the females eyes, lifting and shielding them with her forearm.

"(y/n) (y/l/n). Why are you here so early?" A stern voice came from in front of the (e/c) eyed female when she slowly put her arm down when her eyes adjusted to the brightness. The silhouette of a familiar male walked up to her, his body towering over her. (y/n) looked up and tears grew in her eyes. The concern and worry in Schlatt's eyes broke her. 

"S-Schlatt... It was so hard to stay there. Y-You're gone and.. and.. I tried okay? And I couldn't do it.." (y/n) mumbled, startling the other. Schlatt pulled the shorter one into a hug, one arm wrapped around her waist and the other resting on her back as he soothingly held her head to his chest. (y/n) finally broke down in tears, gripping the back of Schlatt's blue colored jacket.

From then on, (y/n) and Schlatt watched over what happened to L'Manburg and watched as Niki and Sapnap took care of Sap. Schlatt occasionally took over Ghostbur to mess with the others, but other than that, the couple was happy to be back together even if it was in the afterlife.

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