Eret x fem!reader-Down With The Revolution pt2 (PLATONIC)

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wowowowowowowow this took forever to get to you guys. Sorry about that! I had a difficult time writing this one, but only because I didn't know what side the reader should choose. I hope you guys enjoy this one :) Eret will have he/him pronouns!(also there will be like 1 curse word, just a little heads up)

Word Count: 980

She's scared. She has about an hour to make her decision. (y/n) kept her mouth shut, going outside the L'Manburg walls to think. She would spend hours walking back and forth, weighing the options. It was either leave her country or side with her best friend. And for what?! Some power? Some recognition??

"I cant do this. Fuck what am I going to do??" (y/n) mumbled to herself as she sat on the steps of the Caravan, her hands fumbling with an empty water bottle. Everyone had gone out to get supplies and she was left to protect their van.

"What can't you do?" A british accent asked. If it weren't the voice, it was definitely the shoes that gave away who this person was. (y/n) looked up and saw the familiar sunglasses that hid Eret's pure white eyes. The girl tightened her grip on the bottle in her hands, scared of the taller person.

"You know what I can't do." (y/n) sighed, her breath shaky. Well, she wasn't scared  of the person in front of her, but she was nervous. Eret was her best friend. The two had been friends since they were kids. Eret came from a line of royalty, getting all he needed with one snap of a finger from his father. (y/n), she lived in a village. She was the last alive after a pillager raid. Eret's family took her in, but kept her away from the royalty. She wasn't a princess, she wasn't a servant, she was a kid the family took in because they felt bad for her.

"It's not a hard decision." Eret kneeled down to the sitting girl, his hand placed gently on her bouncing knee. Eret cared for (y/n), he really did. He says it's not a hard decision because if she chose his side, he would protect her. She will never loose a canon life, she will have all the materials she needed.

"It is! You're not where I am! I connected with them! Those men, who are so set on making a safe place for themselves are the people I've grown to love! But yet, I have you. I have someone who took me in, became my best friend, helped me through everything! Eret I'm not like you! I don't want power but I want my best friend!" (y/n) explained, her hands shaking from how tense her muscles became while she spoke. She didn't even know she was crying until Eret had wiped a tear away from her cheek. He took his glasses off, showing his eyes that barely showed any emotion, but she could tell he was worried by his eyebrows that were scrunched upwards. 

"(y/n), this is up to you. If you stick with them, we'll still be friends. But if you come with me, I can protect you. You'll never loose a life, you'll have all three lives. I can help you with materials. I do a lot of mining, so we wont be out of iron, coal or even diamonds. Again, the choice is yours. Just know I'll be with you until the end." Eret smiled gently, his thumb rubbing back and forth on the lower part of her thigh. (y/n) nodded, a quiet sigh leaving her mouth.

~le time skip~

(y/n) stood in front of Dream along with his crew, her hands holding each other behind her back. She had changed out of her L'Manburg uniform into something more casual. That outfit being a hoodie that fit her body just right with jeans and her knee-high boots. The men awaited for her decision they have long awaited for. Dream wasn't going to kill the girl if she chose L'manburg, he would simply walk away and treat her just as bad as the other members of that country. If she chose his side, he would welcome her with open arms.

"So, what will it be? Stay with L'manburg or join us?" Dream asked, his arms crossing over his chest. (y/n) took a deep breath, her (e/c) eyes closing before they connected with Dream's green ones. She broke eye-contact to look at Eret who gave her nod, reassuring her to say what her decision and whatever she chose would be okay. 

Her eyes connected with Dream's again who was waiting patiently unlike the chocolate brown and bright blue ones behind him. (y/n)'s hands disconnected from each other, her slightly shaking right hand reaching out to him. Dream raised an eyebrow, glancing down to her hand and back up to her.

"I'll join you." (y/n) said with little confidence, but that was because of the nerves,

"I'm not joining you for the power. I'm not joining you for better benefits. I'm not joining because you want me to. I'm joining you because I don't wanna loose my best friend." (y/n) said, taking in another deep breath. Dream smiled and shook her hand with confidence, welcoming her to the Dream SMP.

"You didn't have to do that." Eret walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her close. (y/n) chuckled and shook her head against his chest, her arms wrapping around his waist.

"I did. I have more history with you than I do them. I told them about this and they understood. You're the only thing I have Eret, I'm not giving that up for a country that will have no significance to me in the end."

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