Ranboo x fem!reader- Tired (PLATONIC)

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CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IF RANBOO IS OKAY WITH ROMANTIC-ISH FANFICS??? CAUSE I COULD TOTALLY MAKE A PART 2 TO THIS WHERE THE READER AND RANBOO GET TOGEHTER BUT I DON'T WANT TO OVER STEP BOUNDRIES- anyways, I apologize if this isn't the best, I have been out of my writing game for a little while. But hopefully I start making more stories! I enjoy making them!!

TW?: Night Terrors

Word count: 1,391

(y/n) and Ranboo had gone out on a mission. To find totems. Yes, the pair had half an ender chest of totems, but they were bored and had nothing else better to do. So they got emeralds and traded with villagers to get a map they hadn't gotten before.

"Have we gotten this one, Ran?" (y/n) asked, handing the much taller male the map she had just traded 24 emeralds for. Ranboo looked at it and shook his head, smiling slightly. (y/n) sighed in relief, grateful that she didn't have to stand and wait for a villager to find another woodland mansion map. Here's the thing; (y/n) was excited to go on another journey but with the minimal amount of sleep she had gotten the previous night, she'd be a lot more energetic. If her minimal energy wasn't a sign, the developing bags under her eyes was enough to signify that she was tired.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You seem exhausted.. Night terrors again?" Ranboo asked, placing his hand gently on the females shoulder. (y/n) had been having night terrors ever since L'Manburg had blown up. She had seen everyone get hurt and was close to a TNT explosion herself. It was too much for her to handle, so instead of having nightmares, her brain made them to the point to scare her that she had to physically get out of bed so her body felt safe.

"I woke up by the stairs this morning..." (y/n) mumbled, letting out a heavy breath. Ranboo looked at her with a sympathetic look, worried for her well-being. With the trauma she had experienced, night terrors were common in the teen. (y/n) then reassured her friend, leading the way to the nether portal so they can nether travel. 

~Time skip :)~

"Finally! Oh my goodness! That took forever!" (y/n) smiled as she climbed up to the top of the tree, jumping onto the ledge of the window that would grant access inside.

"Are you sure? We can take a-" Ranboo cut himself off, seeing the stare (y/n) was giving him like 'seriously man? we came all this way.' Ranboo then nodded, signaling that he was ready to fight the people inside. (y/n) broke the glass then jumped in, making sure to be quiet as to not alarm the others in the mansion. 

"Let's do this!" (y/n) whispered with a smile on her face, taking out her Fire Aspect III netherite sword. Ranboo nodded and pulled out his Looting II sword. And with that, the two charged into battle.

~Another time skip :'D~

(y/n) and Ranboo had stood on a tree outside of the mansion, flint and steel in hand. Like always, they burned down the mansion, letting other people who wanted to find one that this was already found.

"That was terrible! We only got one totem each!" (y/n) whined, holding her totem in hand and examining it. She admired how nice they were. The emerald eyes on the totem was like some inspirational story to the girl. Ranboo shrugged, not caring how many totems they had gotten. He just like spending time with (y/n). It made him feel at ease and comfortable.

When he looked away from the flames after hearing some rustling next to him, he felt something heavy against his leg. His eyes traveled down and saw that (y/n) had fallen asleep against him. He smiled sweetly and moved to sit next to her, careful not to wake her up. 

"I told you we could have stayed home..." Ranboo mumbled, taking off his cape and putting it around (y/n)'s shoulders to keep her warm for when the flames came to a stop. Ranboo didn't mind how long he had to sit there, all he wanted was for the girl to sleep. He carefully wrapped his arm around her waist, letting her rest against him so she was comfortable.

Now it was sunset and the girl had still been dead asleep against her friend. Ranboo leaned his head back to stretch his neck muscles from being laid against her head for so long. He hated to do this, but he had an idea.

"Hey.. Dork wake up..." Ranboo whispered, shaking the girl slightly. She groaned quietly and shook her head a little, burying the side of her face into Ranboo's shoulder. A light pink tinted his cheeks, being overly happy that (y/n) had trusted him this much to stay sleeping on him.

"C'mon, we have to get home. I'll carry you." Ranboo said, his thumb massaging her upper arm gently. (y/n) opened her eyes a little and moved off Ranboo. The male smiled and told her to get onto his back, which she obeyed and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Ranboo stood up and slipped his arms under the girls thighs to support her weight.


Ranboo didn't take (y/n) back to her home, but went to his instead because it was closer and he thought that giving (y/n) a place far from where she currently lived would hopefully calm her nerves. 

Ranboo sat on his bed and gently unwrapped (y/n) from his back, carefully laying her down. He smiled at her sleeping features, brushing some of her (h/c) hair out of her face. He slipped her armor and shoes off, leaving her in her normal day outfit. The boy put her armor into his inventory and pulled the blankets over (y/n)'s sleeping figure. 

The male went down to his basement to get the needed materials to make an armor stand then quickly went back upstairs, placing it by the design above the bed (idk how you would explain it, sorry-). He carefully placed the armor on the stand then heard slight whimpers from the girl in the bed. He immediately sat next to her, placing his hand on her arm. It seemed to work because she had calmed down quickly.

Hours later, (y/n) had woken up, feeling refreshed as ever. Ranboo looked over and smiled. (y/n) tilted her head then looked around, totally confused.

"Don't worry. You're at my house. You fell asleep at the woodland mansion so I carried you home. Ten hours of sleep, good job." Ranboo's smile never faltered as he explained what was going on. He also told her that her armor was next to her, so everything was fine.

"Shit... I'm sorry Ranboo. I probably ruined it all. To be honest, I thought I was in a fever dream. I barely remember it." (y/n) had chuckled, making Ranboo do the same and shake his head a little.

"You didn't ruin it at all. But I think I found a cure to your night terrors.." Ranboo said, not looking at the girl anymore. His attention was more focused on the chiseled stone floors. (y/n) tilted her head to the left a little, curious on what he has to try. (y/n) had tried everything to stop them.

"You need someone with you. Because during the explosion, Techno was telling me to run and I was arguing with him a little. I had left you. And I'm sorry for that. The whole time at the mansion, you didn't cry, you didn't shake, you didn't try and move. Then when we got home, you were almost crying when I went to get an armor stand. When I sat next to you and put my hand on your arm, it's like you weren't even crying in the first place." Ranboo explained, his knee bouncing a little bit as he spoke. There was no reasoning behind the action, but it usually happened when he deeply explained something.

"Thank you.." (y/n) smiled, earning a smile back from Ranboo.

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