Fundy and sister!reader (OBVIOUSLY PLATONIC)- Siblings

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Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to update! Its been a rough week or so for me, so I kind of took a break. But I'm back to writing! I hope this was good enough! I need to get back into the swing of things lmao. I did make the looks for (y/n) to fit the story and what not, but that's about it :) Also thank you to @toastbur for the idea!


Word count: 962 words

Wilbur missed a lot of Fundy's life. Ever since L'manburg became a thing, Wilbur pushed aside being a father and focused on being a nation's leader. And of course, this lead up to Fundy having a lot of trust issues. When he heard Wilbur was dating Friend, a sheep he randomly found, Fundy was shocked. Fundy ignored Friend as much as he could, even though the sheep hybrid would always try and act like a mother towards him.

About a year went by and Fundy's father was still with Friend, but something changed... Friend told Fundy that he was going to have a sibling. Fundy, still being on edge about his fathers partner, didn't like the idea of having a younger sibling.

But as years went on, he learned to love his little sister (y/n). She had brown hair that faded into a dark blue with chocolate brown eyes. She gained her fathers height and body figure while she owned her mothers looks and personality. In short words, (y/n) was the complete opposite of her older brother.

"(y/n), I need you to stay hidden. It's my job to keep you safe." Fundy said, wrapping his coat around the girl who was only 4 years younger. He knew something bad was going to happen, so he kept (y/n) far away from L'manburg. Hell, he was part of it.

"Wait! What about mom?? Where is she?? I can help!" (y/n) grabbed her brothers shirt, making him kneel in front of her. As much as it pained him, he had to say something.

"(y/n), mom will be fine. She's keeping the others protected. Stay here for me, okay?" Fundy caressed her cheek gently, his ears folded down. He didn't know how to comfort her. No matter how many times he watched Friend comfort her, he couldn't. (y/n) only nodded, holding the jacket tighter around her. Fundy knew that Church Prime would be the safest and farthest place from L'manburg, so that where he left his sister, quickly making his way back to L'manburg.

While (y/n) sat under the pedestal, she tightly held the jacket around her arms before she heard the explosions which she immediately looked up at. Her heart froze and quickly ran out, leaving Fundy's coat behind.

"It was never meant to be..." (y/n) heard from her right as she tried to catch her breath from running with no energy in her. And there Niki was, standing in front of the Lmantree with a flint and steel in hand.

"N-Niki..? What..?" The girl asked the other, her hands subconsciously gripping her shaky arms. Niki looked over, her newly dyed pink hair flowing behind her from the backlash of the explosions. Her expression softened as she looked back down at the object in hand.

"Don't look, dear... your father wouldn't want you to see.." Niki said as she lit the wood, flames spreading across the whole tree. (y/n) stood in shock. Her father told her all about this tree, so did her brother and many others. That tree was important and now it's gone. Niki didn't bat an eye at the event as she walked away, hands in pocket.

"(y/n)! I thought I told you to stay at Church Prime! What the hell are you doing here??" Fundy asked loudly, quickly hiding his enchanted netherite sword and a stack of TNT.

"That doesn't matter! What matters is-" (y/n) stopped mid sentence, seeing Philza's house completely destroyed. That's where Friend was last. She wasn't anywhere else to be seen.

"(y/n), go back." Fundy said sternly, placing his hand on her shoulder. (y/n) shrugged him off and sat where she was stood, watching everything blow. Her home, her mother, her life... it was all gone. It was numbing.. traumatizing even. Fundy groaned, frantically looking back and forth from his sister to where Technoblade was standing. He made the decision and ran to where Techno and Phil were waiting, Niki slowly approaching behind.

"(y/n)..?" A voice came from behind the girl, but she bother to see who it was. The voice was like a softer version of Technoblade's. Calm yet full of panic.

"Hi Ranboo..." (y/n) mumbled, running her hand through singed grass. The enderman mix took a seat next to her, holding his book tightly to his chest.

"Are... are you okay..? I know your mom was in there... I tried to get her out-" Ranboo went on, but (y/n) accidentally stopped him buy letting out a muffled sob.

"Sorry.. I-I'm... God I'm so scared right now Ran... my dad is a ghost, my mom is dead, my brother is a traitor, Niki is a traitor too, my uncle and grandfather planned all this... I don't know what to do.." (y/n) mumbled, grabbing the grass tightly, pulling it up from the ground.

"Its okay to be scared." Ranboo stated, quickly opening his book and writing something down before closing it and putting it on his lap.

"I know.. what do I do now? I have no one.." (y/n) sighed, wiping a stray tear from her cheek.

<Wilbur Soot has joined the game>

"Where's Friend?" Was the first thing Ghostbur said when he appeared, making (y/n)'s heart stop for a second. 'Dad.. mom isn't here...' (y/n) thought as she glanced at Ranboo, ignoring the yelling going between father and son not that far away.

"(y/n), let's go. We have to get out of here." Fundy appeared in front of her and Ranboo, startling Ranboo more than (y/n). The female shook her head and stood up, walking away from the two before stopping and turning to face Fundy.

"I don't want to see you ever again."

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