JSchlatt, Tubbo and fem!reader- Dad? part 3 (ALL PLATONIC)

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AND THIS IS THE END (maybe, I might make a Sapnap one based off this last chapter-) I hope you all liked it and thank you for the positive comments on this! It truly means a lot, I love waking up and seeing there are many comments on here, it makes me very happy! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! If you guys have any suggestions or requests on what to write next, feel free to leave them in the comments! Love you all!!

Warnings: Yelling, drinking, degrading words towards the reader, death and cursing

Word Count: 958

Tubbo walked into Schlatt's office earlier the next morning, knowing that his sister was there so he brought her new clothes to change into. When Tubbo walked in, he saw Schlatt and (y/n) talking, getting along really well and laughing at something.

"Toby!! Good morning! Sorry I didn't come home last night..." (y/n) rubbed the back of her neck, worried her brother would be mad. But when Tubbo looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't worry about it. Um.." The smaller brunette pointed to his sister, seeing the horns that weren't there the last time he saw her. (y/n) tilted her head then sighed, knowing what he was so confused about.

"Come sit down, kid. We need to have a talk." Schlatt said, patting the seat next to him on the large couch. Tubbo's heart beat picked up as he timidly walked over to the others, sitting where Schlatt had told him to.

"What's up, sir...?" Tubbo asked quietly, his right hand holding his left tightly to calm down some of his nerves. (y/n) placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled gently, which seemed to calm the younger one.

"Tubbo... About your real father-" Schlatt started off, only to have Toby bounce a little in excitement.

"Our dad? What do you know about him? Is he okay??" The brunette asked, his hands now grabbing his dress pants. Schlatt worriedly looked at (y/n) and she just nodded to him, telling him to go ahead and say it.

"Toby, I am your guys' father... That's why I knew about that bee.." Schlatt said, looking down at his lap as Tubbo sat frozen in his seat. His eyes were wide and his whole body was tense. The man who exiled his best friend.. is his father..?

"What...?" Was all Tubbo could mutter out as Schlatt went on to say how much he was sorry, for the past and the present. Schlatt was truly sorry and wanted to fix things between the small family, which the two hesitantly agreed to.

Weeks and months went by with the three slowly growing closer. Schlatt tried to be the father figure he wanted to be and Tubbo started growing his horns. (y/n) thought he never would with him being 16 and no horns.

"Dad! Put the damn bottle down!" (y/n) yelled, grabbing the whiskey bottle from Schlatt's hands and throwing it across the room, making it break against the stone wall and onto the cobblestone floor. The caravan that Wilbur built while he was still in L'Manburg was where Schlatt was going to drink all his presidential worries away.

"Shut up, (y/n)! What do you know? All you are is some measly teenager that cares about no one but herself!" Schlatt slurred his words and pointed a finger at (y/n). The girl was taken back, almost offended by what he was saying.

"He's in here, Wilbur! Calm down!" (y/n) heard Dream call out to Wilbur then heard voices of many other people. All along the lines of 'Yeah! He's a dead man!' and 'Wait, where's ___?' To which they would get a response or 'we don't know'. 

"Schlatt, please... We need to get you to safety! They're going to-" Right as (y/n) put her hand on her father's shoulder, people jumped down from the top of the caravan and came through the sides, crossbows and many other weapons in hand.

"(y/n)! There you are! I was worried!" Sapnap called out, walking up to the other. (y/n) and Sap had grown close to each other ever since she agreed to go against her father and get him out of office. She didn't want to hurt him, she wanted to protect him from the corruption.

"Schlatt! What the hell! You made a plan, and I followed! Now here you are, wasted!" Fundy yelled, getting way to close to Schlatt. (y/n) reached out to Fundy but Sapnap held her back. This is when (y/n) figured out what they were going to do.

"Sap, no.. Please don't do what I think you guy are..." (y/n) whispered to Sapnap, tears and fear gathering in her eyes. He pulled her away from Schlatt, making sure they were behind a couple other people. The whole arguments going on in the background, the yelling... it all went by so fast. Next thing she knew, a crossbow was shot then it went silent. (y/n) turned around to see Schlatt on the floor, an arrow in his shoulder, but his death couldn't have been caused by that.

When (y/n) went to go to her father, hoping he was okay and breathing, just faking the death, Sapnap, pulled her into his arms and let her sob into his shoulder.

A few weeks went by and (y/n) never went back to the caravan. She avoided eating, even if her brother, who was now the president and the little left of L'Manburg, came to help her. Nothing and no one could get her back to normal. If Schlatt had just've listened to her, he'd still be here.. He'd be here..

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