DreamXD x fem!reader- The Myth is True? (with a speck of Philza)

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This will be a longer story that I do have an idea on a part 2 for, but it would be EXTREMELY short since we don't really know much about Dream XD. This was a request by RenissanceBlade (https://www.quotev.com/RenissanceBlade) on Quotev like 7 months ago :( so sorry for the extremely late story, but I'm grinding out stories so hopefully I can get a lot done! Enjoy!! <3
Word Count: 2,368
Lately, there has been something roaming the server. Something more powerful than Callahan, the one god they knew watched over them to keep the server a safe place. But something new has been around. The aura is strong, like when you go through a nether portal. How was it stronger than that? There was no other dimension for them to go to, so what could this be? (y/n) spent hours searching, looking for books and the presence of what this thing could be. It didn’t seem to affect anyone else, except Philza.

(y/n) didn’t really like interacting with the older man. There was no specific reason towards it. The first time they ever spoke was when L’manburg was brought back for the second time after being blown up. The L’manburg that was ran by Tubbo. That poor kid had to take on such a heavy burden at such a young age. Back to the point. The point was that she needed to go see Philza. There was no getting out of it. If she wanted answers, she had to go to someone who knew almost everything about the world they live in.

‘Phil, we need to speak. Are you free?’ (y/n) messaged over her communicator, hoping for a response soon. In the mean time, she continued to dig in the mine she was in, trying to get some extra supplies. Seconds later, her communicator buzzed, notifying her that she had gotten a response.

‘Yeah, I’m free. What do you need?’ Phil messaged back.

‘I’ll be to you in a few minutes, I’ll tell you when I get there.’ (y/n) quickly packed her materials and left her mine, quickly heading towards the coordinates Phil had given her a while back. After a long and cold trip to where Phil and Technoblade lived.

(y/n) had knocked on the door, her fingertips a bright red from the cold. There was something heavy put down and a chest closed before the door opened, showing a tall blond male who also had little rosy cheeks from the cold.

“Hey, come on in. How was your trip, mate?” Philza asked as (y/n) walked into his home. She looked around and saw a few books on the ground titled “The End”, “The Ruler of The End” and “Myths and Legends of the World”.

“It was okay. Super cold.. Why do you have to live so far away?” (y/n) chuckled a little bit as she turned around and looked at Phil who had a little smile on his face.

“I wanted to get away from the drama and people. I think it was a good move to come here.” Phil explained as he walked by, his cape lifting a little to see his wrapped up wings underneath. (y/n) stared at the dirtied bandages, assuming they had been reused from a different incident.

“So what brings you to come talk to me?” His accent cut the thick silence that had built up. (y/n) blinked and looked over to him as he picked up the books on the floor.

“I know this might sound weird,” Phil cocked and eyebrow and slowly turned around, looking at the covers of the books.

“but have you felt the new presence? Like when you first go to the nether and it’s like it almost fills you with dread? The heaviness of all the dark colors and becoming overwhelmed by all the bright ones?” (y/n) asked, avoiding all eye contact. Phil sighed and set the books down on top of his furnace. He opened a chest, moving some things out of the way.

“I have. But it’s not the first time I’ve felt this. Have a seat.” Phil pointed to a rug he had. (y/n) felt like a small kid, having to sit on a rug in order to listen to a story. But she did anyways as Phil closed the chest and sat on top of it.

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