Quackity x fem!reader- I'm Sorry

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KINFFIPJ this is so cringy I'm sorry- but um.. yeah... how we feelin? I mean, with Fundy and Dreams wedding... Wilbur giving Tommy a compass that let's him know where Tubbo is and Tommy has most of his discs cause of his ender chest... Lots has happened.. 

word count: 1.128 

 "I said things are gonna change.. I looked every citizen of L'manburg in the eyes and I said, 'you listen to me. This place will be a lot different tomorrow. Let's start making it happen.'" Schlatt stood on the podium with Quackity on his right and George on his left. How could this happen..? Quackity was on our side! He was going to help us! But he turned to Schlatt?!

"My first decree as president of L'Manburg... the EMPEROR of this GREAT  country! Is to REVOKE the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit!" The ram hybrid yelled from above, pointing at the back where Wilbur, Tommy and (y/n) sat. 'Yes sir!' came from many people in the crowd along with Quackity as Nikki yelled 'no' as everyone started to go after the two running males. (y/n) immediately grabbed out her sword and went after Eret who had happened to be the closest, but was only shot in the arm by Ponk, making her stumble back.

"Tubbo's house! Tubbo's house, Will!" Tommy yelled, running away from the chaos. Quackity was following behind everyone and say (y/n) down on the ground, holding the area around her arm where the arrow had hit. He quickly ran over and kneeled next to her, reaching for her arm.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Quackity?!" She yelled, anger laced in her voice. She was pissed and made sure that he knew it. His hands hovered over her arm, his eyes filling with tears. His closest friend... The one who was always there... was now mad at him..?

"I-I was going to help.." He stuttered out, biting his bottom lip. He was never as close to Wilbur and Tommy like she had been, so them getting exiled wasn't something that effected him too much. But seeing (y/n) in pain broke him.

"I don't want help from you. I can't believe you did that Quackity... L'manburg... You just gave it away!" The female cried out, standing up weakly to her feet, leaving Quackity speechless.

"I don't want help from a traitor." She spat, walking away and finding Nikki, suddenly collapsing in her arms, making Nikki carry the unconscious girl back to her home. Quackity stood up, his heart in a thousand little pieces. While on his way home, he saw Schlatt overlooking the area, making him turn his attention to the rustling grass and seeing Quackity. Schlatt motioned for him to come over to where he was and Quackity did as told, standing next to the horned male, hands in his hoodie pockets. This was one of the places (y/n) loved to go. It overlooked L'Manburg which made it seem like a gorgeous place at night with the lanterns illuminating the area.

"Quackity... My right hand man... We have a lot to do." He set his hand on the shorter males shoulder, making him wipe his tears away. He wasn't listening to what Schlatt was going on about, just the memories of him and (y/n) on this hill, playing the guitar and singing the first things that came to mind and laughing about the random things the other would say. 

"Ugh... where am I..?" (y/n) mumbled, looking around the area she was in. It looked like a cave with all the coal and stone around her.

"You're awake! I was so scared!" Nikki ran to the side of the bed, followed by Wilbur who looked exhausted. Wilbur told her to take it easy, the wound still healing. Wait.. Wound..? What wound? She was injured? By what? Who? It was clear to Nikki that the other female was starting to panic and she gently put her hand on top of hers.

"Hey, calm down. You're okay. Whatever was on that arrow kept you knocked out cold for a few days. We were starting to get nervous." Nikki laughed quietly, trying to lighten up the mood. 'A few days? I was out for a few days?!' The (e/c) eyed girl managed to get off the bed, using the cave wall for support and walking out, following the few torches that lead to a cobblestone staircase. Wilbur and Nikki looked at each other, but knew (y/n) wouldn't do anything bad.

On the other hand, Quackity sat on the hill, guitar in hand as he watched the L'Manburg walls be taken down. Once (y/n) had arrived quietly, she stood there for a second, looking at the other. His eyes were puffy, his nose red and he wore the beanie that you used one time to hide your ears during the cold. 

"Quack..." (y/n) spoke up, her voice raspy from walking the long distance to L'Manburg. Quackity looked up quickly, knowing it was her since she was the only one who called him that. The girl sat next to him, her gaze becoming sad as she watched what was going on below.

"(y/n).. I-I.." Quackity started but was only met with a 'shut' from the girl as tears welled up in her eyes. Quackity sighed then started to strum his guitar, getting the others attention. 

"Well I heard there was a special place... where men could go and emancipate..." Quackity sang, the girl chuckling and shaking her head, knowing all to well where that song came from. It was the song Wilbur made for L'Manburg a little while after he became president. 

"You're so weird... You know that..?" (y/n) chuckled, looking over to the other. Quackity laughed and nodded, his fingers continuing to strum random notes. (y/n) reached over and fixed the beanie so a little more of his hair showed and it covered most of his ears.

"You know.. what you did was wrong.. I hope you know that. But I'm not mad at you anymore.." She smiled, patting his head before laying on her back and looking at the sky that started to become a light orange.

"I know.. I'm sorry I made you mad... But Schlatt has good ideals and I think everything will turn out great!" Quackity said, trying to get the other onto his side. He couldn't loose her.. not again.

"Pff.. You must think you're real funny. Schlatt is going to run this place to the ground. I'm staying with Wilbur and Tommy. That's final. But I'll come visit once in a while." The female shrugged, feeling Quackity's side hit her elbow gently, meaning he laid down next to her.

"As long as I don't loose you, that's fine by me."

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