Wilbur Soot x GN Dysporic! reader- Dysphoria

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the shorter chapter, I don't experience dysphoria, so it was a little difficult for me to write, but I tried my best! Thank you for the request! I forgot your username, I'm so sorry, but I hope you enjoy! <3

Word Count: 692

 (y/n) sat on their bed, playing with the baggy shirt they were wearing. The mirror across the room was taunting them. Confusing them even. Their long-distance boyfriend, Wilbur, was currently streaming Geo Guesser on the laptop next to them. (y/n) found his voice comforting in times like this, but they were also jealous of his deeper voice.

"Chat, this isn't Japan. It's clearly somewhere in North Korea! Look at the characters on the building!" Wilbur laughed at his chat. (y/n) looked over and saw his smile that showed off some of his jawline.

"You make me way to jealous, love..." (y/n) sighed as they looked away from their laptop and to their phone. They were tempted to call him, just to distract them. But he was busy. (y/n) got off their bed and walked over to the mirror, pulling their shirt tighter around them. Since (y/n) was born female, they had a slightly bigger chest than a male. Yeah, sure they could bind, but they already did that for 9 hours today.

"Oh, chat I gotta do something really quick." Wilbur put up a new 'Be Right Back' screen as he muted his mic, grabbing his phone quickly and leaning back in his chair. (y/n) stared at the screen, genuinely wondering what the other was doing.

'Hey love! Just wanted to check in! You haven't been in chat.. You all right?' The message popped up onto (y/n)'s phone, making them smile and gently grab the electronic.

My Love <3

Hey love! Just wanted to check in! You haven't been in chat.. You all right?

Hi :) I'm okay. Just a little dysphoria is all. I'll be okay

I'm sorry, dear. You're handsome in every way. You're the most beautiful person I've had the privilege to lay my eyes on. You're stunning all around.

After stream, how about you hop on Discord, and we can play whatever you would like.

You're too sweet, Wil..

Even if I want to play Fireboy and Watergirl? :0

Even if you wanna play Fireboy and Watergirl.

I must go back to stream. jump in chat <3 I love you

I love you too <3

His words always made them tear up when they're feeling like this. Even if he called them beautiful and all these feminine things, it still made them feel valid. (y/n) sat back down on their bed, grabbing their laptop and setting it gently in their lap.

"Okay chat, just one more then I have to go." Wilbur said, making chat practically beg him to stay longer because he hasn't been streaming that much. (y/n) joined in, telling him to stay and play a few more rounds.

"No chat, I can't stay. I have something really important to attend soon in like, 30 minutes." Wilbur explained with more detail as he looked at his camera. (y/n) knew that he was looking at them specifically but there were a whole lot of other people out there that would take this clip and make it into some sort of edit on Tik Tok.

~Little Time Skipu~

"Alright chat. I'm done. We got a pretty good success rate today if I do say so myself." Wilbur clapped his hands and rubbed them together before saying goodbye and ending stream. Not even a second after, (y/n) discord tab made an incoming call sound.

"Hi Wil!" (y/n) smiled, their mood suddenly boosted knowing that they were finally able to talk alone.

"Hi (y/n)! How are you?" Wilbur asked, keeping his facecam on and adjusting the camera like he was out of frame.

"Better now. Thank you. How are you?" (y/n) asked and from then on the couple made little conversation and played Fireboy and Watergirl.

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