Alivebur x fem!reader (Mostly Being a Mom to Fundy)- Goodbye, and Hello?

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HAHAHAHAH PART TO BABYYYYY!!!! I apologize for not adding Alivebur in this part, but I wanted it to be more focused on (y/n) and Fundy's relationship. Beautiful Boy by John Lennon will be used near the end of the story! So if you wanna put it on, please do so! Also, It's June 1st! So Happy Pride Month!! You all are so damn valid! Now go give yourself and other's in the community some hype!! This is our month!! You all are so handsome, beautiful and so fuckin attractive! Now go be pog!! -A gender questioning Bisexual!

CW/TW: Cursing, Derealization(?), Panic Attack(?), Days Merging/Loss Of Time, Mentions Of Old Arguing. Stay safe everyone!!

Word Count: 1,469

"Why is Wilbur back?? Why am I back???" (y/n) asked to the three, quite frustrated but confused. Tommy only looked down, like he was ashamed of something, Ranboo was clueless and Tubbo didn't say a word.

"I tried to kill Dream." Tommy said quietly, making (y/n) furrow her eyebrows more. Tommy was beating himself up. If he didn't pull out the axe so early, Dream would be completely dead. 

"You did what?" (y/n)'s voice raised slightly, making the boy flinch. (y/n) took a deep breath, trying to use the motherly voice she once had.

"Tommy... I'm sorry for yelling... Tubbo, do you know what happened?" She asked softly, rubbing her thumb gently on Tommy's shoulder. Tubbo's ears perked up a little when she spoke to him.

"Tommy wanted to kill Dream. A lot has happened since you and Wil died. But to sum it up, it's why he flinched at your yelling. He went into the prison where Dream is with Ghostbur, obviously using invis cause he knows he can't be caught and has to put his weapons away. Once he got to Dream, he pulled his axe out to early and Sam saw. And all that lead you and Wilbur coming back." Tubbo explained, fidgeting with his winter coat. (y/n) nodded in understanding, before looking down at Tommy.

"Look Toms.. Dream must have done a lot of bad stuff. But he's in prison for a reason. I understand where you're coming from, but you need to be safer, Tommy. We cant be loosing you, Tubbo and.." (y/n) trailed off a little , looking over at the taller male.

"O-Oh.. Um, I'm Ranboo. It's nice to meet you, (y/n)" Ranboo said, avoiding all eye contact. (y/n) smiled gently and her wings relaxed.

"Ranboo. Nice name. And are you part enderman? That's really cool. You know, Phil and I did some research on them and I didn't know someone could be part enderman." (y/n) went off on a ramble. Tubbo and Tommy chuckled a little, shocking Ranboo more than he already was. It's been a while since Tommy actually laughed.

"God you're rambling is as annoying as it used to be." Tommy rolled his eyes, and (y/n)'s wings puffed out in defense.

"What are you talking about??? Don't you give me that shit!! You used to ask me to tell you all about-"

"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Tommy waved his hands quickly, trying to cover (y/n)'s mouth so she would shut up. It threw everyone into a laughing fit. But that's when loud and panics footsteps started running towards the group.

"GUYS WHY DID I JUST SEE WIL-" Jack froze, seeing that Wilbur wasn't the only one back.

"Jack!!! Hello!" (y/n) smiled and waved at the man who looked like a ghost. Jack's mouth dropped and he pointed for where he ran to (y/n) and back a few times.

~After a long explanation and the group departing~ 

"So where did you say Fundy lived?" (y/n) asked Ranboo since they both had to go in the same direction.

"Well his big house thing is still here, but I heard he was having these nightmares and was planning to leave. Like live somewhere far from here." Ranboo explained, making (y/n) sigh. He looked at her all confused as she shook her head and stopped, Ranboo doing the same.

"He's been having those nightmares since he was a kid. If you didn't know, those nightmares put him in places that confuse him and bring up the past. It used to be me and Wilbur arguing and he could never get away from it. I can't imagine what they're like now.." (y/n) ran her hands down her face. Ranboo nodded his head, understanding what it was like to have something like that. I mean, his enderwalk is just as scary as nightmares.

"I'm going to go find him. I'll talk to you later, Ranboo!" (y/n) nodded her head then ran off the prime path towards Fundy's house.

"Fundy!!" (y/n) shoved the door open violently, running up the stairs to see him peacefully sleeping. His hat was on the floor along with his coat and shoes. His orange hair was messily sprawled across his pillow as he clung tightly to an extra pillow he had. (y/n) sighed in relief as she sat behind him and looked at his features. Oh how much he had changed. His hair had grown longer, he had more facial hair, and just more masculine overall.

"Fundy.. Hey, I need you to get up, bud." (y/n) brushed his hair out of his face, making him shift and rub his eyes.

"Go away, Ghostbur. Not now..." He mumbled, curling in on himself as he brought the blanket up his shoulders more.

"Fundy, it's not Ghostbur." (y/n) said. Fundy's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to open his eyes. Once he was able to, they were half closed but he could totally tell that it wasn't Ghostbur.

"Mom..? No... no no no no no no you're dead, you're not real." Fundy started to panic immediately, his hands pushing him back and up against his headboard. His hands quickly found his way to his hair and his breathing quickened as he stared at his bedsheets.

"Hey, calm down. Fundy, I need you to breathe." (y/n) said, grabbing his hands and taking them away from his head. But he didn't listen. Poor kid thought he was going insane.

"No, I'm dreaming. God damnit! Why can't I get a normal sleep?!?" Fundy yelled, tears now streaming down his face. (y/n) took a second, trying to remember what she would do during these times. 

"Um.. uh. Close your eyes.. Have no fear.. The monster's gone, he's on the run and your mom is here.. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy.." (y/n) began singing, making Fundy slowly stop crying. Only (y/n) would sing that to him after nightmares.

"Before you go to sleep, say a little prayer. Every day, and every way, it's getting better and better." (y/n) opened her arms, her wings following the shape. It was just like he was a kid. She waited patiently for him to trust her, continuing her singing.

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy." Her singing was soft and quiet like a music box. It was something everyone in the smp found comforting. Fundy slowly inched closer, but was still weary of the situation.

"Out on the ocean, sailing away, I can hardly wait to see you come of age. But I guess we'll both have to be patient." (y/n) continued as Fundy curled into her lap, instantly feeling better. He didn't feel like he was crazy anymore. He didn't care if it was a dream anymore. He was with his mom again, listening to her singing and feeling like he was protected from everything around him.

"Fundy, can you tell me what time it is?" She asked as she rested one hand on his bicep and the other in his hair, carefully twisting strands of it between her fingers. Fundy shook his head quickly.

"There won't be a time. I'm dreaming, I know it. Please just let me think that it's real." Fundy begged, his hand grabbing her knee. That was the thing, his nightmares were blending in with his normal days that he just stopped looking at his watch because he was scared to know if it was real or not.

"Fundy.. My little forest berry, check the time. You'll realize that this isn't a dream." Fundy's eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as he hesitantly looked at his watch. And to his surprise, she was right. It was real.

6:48 pm

"It's real.. You're real.. Oh my god you're alive!!" Fundy smiled widely, wrapping his arms around (y/n)'s neck. (y/n) smiled and tightly wrapped her arms around Fundy.

"You've grown up so much Fundy. I'm so proud of you." (y/n) said, making Fundy hug her more. That's all he's wanted to hear for 13 years.

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