Ranboo Preference Catch-Up!!

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Reminder, this will all be platonic since Ranboo is a minor and I don't want to cross any of his boundaries! Also, I was going to do a Charlie catch-up but I don't know his boundaries. So if someone could tell me or link me to where I can find them that would be awesome! Thank you!! <33

Word Count: 678

Pet Names For You:
-"particle#1" because how you two met was that you were one of his first few viewers and also gave him his first raid of 5 people (you both were small streamers at the time)
-"my side chick" Even though he has no main chick, he still finds it funny.
-"short-stuff" hahahahah I'm so original lmaooo
-"Chat, my side chick is gonna join the stream today"

Pet Names For Him:
-"Giant", "Enderman", "Beanpole"
-You really just diss his height as a nickname.
-But he could care less
-"Oi giant! I need help!"
-"Why are you trying to get on top of the fridge???"

Christmas Things:
-He will not hesitate to wake you up.
-Even if you got two(2) hours of sleep.
-If you didn't spend the night before Christmas morning, he will call you
-Like on your personal number AND Discord
-He's just like a kid
-"(y/n), (y/n) get up!!! It's Christmasss!!"
-"Ranboo please... I just wanna sleep some more..."
-He definitely got you a plush
-Of what you may ask?
-Man did not hesitate to get you (your favorite mob/animal/block) as a plush
-You managed to save up some money and you got him a new microphone for when he records irl videos.

How You Two Spend New Years:
-Lots and lots of candy
-But you guys would get curious and watched one of those cringy Hallmark movies.
-Lots of music as well
-Both your parents would go out and do things with their friends, so you got to spend yours with Ranboo
-"One more time!"
-"Dude... i don't know how many more times I can listen to The Ultimate Showdown.."
-You guys either fall asleep on the couch or the floor.
-Like you don't hang out in his room, you guys are in the living room.

Valentines Day:
-Will deffo spoil the shit out of you.
-And you would do the same.
-You bought necklaces from hot topic and fixed them up so you guys would have matching jewelry.
-He got you a stuffed animal and some (your favorite flowers)
-"You act more like a boyfriend than a best friend"
-"huh?? No I don't! This is what best friends do! I did the same for Tubbo!"

How You Two Cuddle:  (I had a pic but it wont upload D:)
Ranboo likes to cuddle a lot. He might not seem like the kind of guy sometimes, but he loves it. He doesn't care who is holding who, as long as both (mostly you) of you are comfy. But the typical cuddle position is that he's sitting up, like on the couch or something, with you somehow fast asleep in his shoulder. He likes to play with your hair while you're sleeping like it comforts you and lets you know he's still there.

How They React To You Being Sick:
-Ah yes..
-He will turn on Minecraft music on his phone 
-It usually helped him to relax, so he though it would help with you too.
-"I don't know why you had to stay here... I don't want you getting my bed all germy."
-"Did you not hear what your mom said? My parents are off on business and I just so happened to get sick."
-"Oh... Well is there anything I can get you.?"
-When you do ask for something, he acts like he knows what your asking for, but will definitely ask one of his parents to help and he'll take it back to you.
 -Just like Karl, he never got sick as a kid, but had an idea on how to help you out.

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