Ranboo and fem!reader- Panic

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Hello everyone :) I present Ranboo angst because... well, idk.. But I've had a big Ranboo brainrot for about a week now, so take this :) As of now, I'm writing a part 2 to the Fundy story because that was requested from a few of you. A little bit about the reader, she's part Ghast, which is why Ranboo and her are so close and dependent on each other. Okay, I hope you guys enjoy this one! Love you all!! <3

Word Count: 915

~Ranboo POV~

Everyone is looking. Why are they looking? Did I do something wrong? No.. I don't think I did... Last I checked I was with Tubbo in Snowchester. I didn't put the disc there, I never received a disc. I never exploded the Community House. I'd never do that. So why are they all staring at me?! I need (y/n)...

 Where is she? She's my best friend, the only one who has stuck with me. I need her.. I can't have them looking at me...

I heard Ranboo exploded the community house

Wasn't he able to get  out of the L'Manburg explosion cause he's friends with The Blade?

He's crazy

Stop, no.. I'm not crazy.. I didn't do that! I would never! 

I need her.. where is she..? Why did I wander away??? Dang bee's always distracting me or catching me off guard.. I'll just go to the panic room, I need somewhere safe, enclosed.. I can't be here.

~Back to 3rd person~

(y/n) walked up to the group of people that consisted of Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy and Eret who were talking about who knows what.

"Guys, guys, have you seen Ranboo??" The Ghast/human hybrid asked, her hands fidgeting with each other. (y/n) looked away for one second then he's gone. Niki had a quick question and she answered it. Just one minute she had her back turned then he was gone.

"No, sorry.." Tubbo gave the girl who was about the same height as him a sympathetic look and (y/n) only nodded and quickly walked away. She could start to feel her throat burn up as she panicked. That's really one of the biggest things (y/n) and Ranboo had in common. Whenever they panicked about something, their hostile mob side would come out and wreck a lot of things. And by a lot, I mean a lot..

(y/n) ran around the destroyed area, squinting to see if she could find her friend anywhere. To her luck, she noticed his tail trailing behind him as he swiftly walked to his destination. (y/n) tried to navigate her way through the rubble of what was once her home.

When Ranboo swam into the panic room, (y/n) followed behind, out of breath from running so much. No, she isn't out of shape, she usually just floats around so there was minimal work into her body muscles.

"(y/n)..." Ranboo mumbled, his hands tightly holding his dress pants as the black on his face started to slowly cover the white. (y/n) could see the developing tears, the tenseness of his shoulders and the slight tremble of his chest while he held in sobs. (y/n) kneeled in front of him, ignoring the fact they were both drenched in water. 

"Boo... what's wrong..?" (y/n) used Ranboo's nickname that wasn't so original, but it was something special to the teen. But he didn't know how to respond. He's never told her about the voice, she's never even seen the panic room. So what was he supposed to say?

"Everyone was staring, right..? You made eye contact?" (y/n) asked, her voice seeming angelic compared to the Dream like one in his head. Ranboo looked away as if ashamed for what he didn't mean to do.

"I-I didn't mean too.. Everyone was talking about me, I could hear them.. They think I'm crazy, (y/n).. I'm not! Right?? I didn't blow up the community house! I'd never take a disk from Dream! What did I do wrong for them to turn on me like this?" Ranboo asked, the tears finally pouring down his cheeks while he subconsciously grabbed his arms tightly as if to bring comfort to himself. 

(y/n) looked at Ranboo, not in judgement, but in a way of trying to figure out what was wrong. Ranboo had never acted like this before, but yet again, he never really left the Nether until now so the only people, well, others, he would make eye contact were Piglins, other Endermen and her. That was it.

Going of instinct, she carefully wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close to her chest. He froze up, the tears still leaving his face while his eyes widened and looked at the signs across the room.

"It's okay, Ranboo.. You're going to be okay..  I won't let them hurt you, okay?" (y/n) whispered in a soothing way, feeling the others body loosen as his face found its way to the crook of her neck to hid the tears. (y/n) continued to talk quietly, letting Ranboo know that he'll be okay and that she'll always be there with him. 

Soon enough, Ranboo's body relaxed fully and little snores left his mouth, signaling that his body grew exhausted. (y/n) sighed and kept her friend in her arms while she maneuvered her way out of the panic room. Tomorrow was going to consist of a lot of apologies, (y/n) could tell.

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