Little Introduction

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Hello hello! And welcome! I hope you all are doing well especially with what's going on with this community. Just stay positive everyone! Hopefully it'll pass by and Dream will stream again, Sapnap will hopefully use a face cam, Wilbur will get back on a normal eating habit and people will understand that Spanish is Quackity's first language and can't help but be fluent in it.

All bad new aside, I hope my writing can bring you some happiness in these hard times.

Here is what I'll be doing:

- x reader one shots

- preferences 

- requests for whoever you would like WITHIN the Dream SMP

I will be including Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, but the relationship between them and the reader will be PLATONIC! For those who don't know what platonic is, platonic is like a friendship. There is no sexual/romantic feelings towards one another. They are minors and I will not be writing them in a dating type oneshot.

I will not be writing anything sexual! Even if the person is okay with it, it's rude to be writing that stuff about a complete stranger. How would you feel if one of your fans wrote NSFW about you when you've stated it makes you uncomfortable? Not too good huh? (I sounded so rude in that, I'm sorry :( ) And I'm not comfortable writing that type of stuff either, so please don't request it! ((Thank you to everyone that have educated me on what "sexualizing" someone means!)) 

I do want to write a JSchlatt oneshot eventually and I know some people are triggered by him, and I can put a content warning at the beginning if really needed. I personally don't know what he has done wrong that makes him a trigger for some people, put I will put a warning at the beginning if you guys need it.

Also! I won't be doing any personxperson (example: dreamxgeorge). I know it's okay, Dream has stated that he's fine with it, but I know some people find it wrong to ship real people together. I find it wrong as well since they are living people with actual feelings. They're not 2D characters from your favorite anime. So I will avoid writing those.

I want this to be a safe place, so please keep it that way. You can leave your triggers anywhere on this page and I'll try to avoid them or put a warning at the beginning of the story that I include said trigger. Please enjoy this book! I just want to make you all smile!

Okay, onto reading!

(Updated 3/21/2021!)

Dream SMP oneshots/preferences (Officially done)Where stories live. Discover now