Alivebur x fem!reader (Plus Mom to Fundy)- Goodbye, And Hello?

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I had to make this a little fluffy.. why? Because I can >:] Anyways, how do you all feel after all the lore from yesterday? (it's like midnight for me right now lol) I didn't know how to title this lol I apologize for this one not being the best and most of it is just step-mom (y/n) lol. Remember, you are real and you are valid! I love you all very much, take care of your seggy selves! <3 /p

CW: I did use she/her pronouns for Fundy in the very beginning because at that point, he hadn't come out as transgender (/rp) plus some arguing/ mentions of arguments

Word Count: 1,597

"Wil! I know that you're stressed, but you cant take it out on her!" (y/n) gripped the taller males bicep, her wings out and her feathers ruffled. Wilbur looked over his shoulder to the shorter female and away from his daughter. Fundy sat with her knees tucked closely to her chest, tears slowly running down her cheeks.

"What do you know?! You don't run a country! You don't have a kid to look after! Hell, she doesn't even look like me!" Fundy gripped her ears, trying to block out the noise as Wilbur yelled at his wife. They had been together for years but finally got married when Fundy turned 7. Wilbur had a tight grip on the females wrist as they argued. Fundy couldn't take it. (y/n) was the closest thing she had to a mother.

"Let her go..!" Fundy yelled timidly, gripping her fathers uniform. Wilbur slowly looked down and saw the fear in her eyes. That's when he snapped out of his blind rage. He yelled at his daughter... he yelled at his wife.. he was close to loosing them both. Wilbur quickly let go of (y/n) and walked away to think about what he did and calm down.

"Fundy.." (y/n) kneeled to the ground, her arms out open for the little child.

"Why does he hate me??? I don't want to be a girl anymore! Is that a bad thing??" Fundy cried into the girls shoulder, gripping her shirt tightly. (y/n) sat there, shocked at what Fundy had said. But smiled. She could always tell Fundy was uncomfortable in female like clothing and loved to wear shirts Wilbur usually wore.

"Of course not, Fundy. My pretty little boy.. don't be ashamed of yourself. Your daddy is just tired. He needs a nap." (y/n) whispered, rubbing Fundy's back in a soothing manner. The two sat there for a little bit before (y/n) heard soft snores come from the child.

~Time skip of 8 years~

Fundy was now 15 and was still very content with being called a male. Of course it took Wilbur and Sally a little bit to adjust, accidentally misgendering him, but always apologized. He was happy he had such supporting parents.

"Wil please! I just need you to make sure he get's there and back!" (y/n) said, trying to get Wilbur to take his son to see his mother since she had things to do.

"I can't! I have a meeting with Tommy and Tubbo that I can NOT miss! He can get there on his own!" Wilbur said back quite loudly as he put his boots on. (y/n) sighed and clenched her hands before leaving the shared bedroom. She took a deep breath, letting her bright blue feathers put themselves away as she had to compose herself.

"Fundy! Do you need anything? I'm going to the market!" (y/n) called out to the boy from the hallway while he sat on the floor and messed with the tan carpet.

"No thanks! I'm gonna go meet up with Tubbo, so I wont be home by the time you get back!" Fundy called back, getting up to his feet and walking to the kitchen, looking at the (e/c) eyed female kindly. He loved his step-mother. Since Sally wasn't around much, (y/n) was pretty much his mother.

"Well, be back before dinner because you have to meet up with your mom, remember?" (y/n) said, putting her coat on carefully. Fundy sighed and put his head on the counter.

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