Sapnap x fem!reader- 24 Hour Stream

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 okay... wow... that was a lot longer than I wanted it to be, but I like to be as detailed in my writing as I can so people can imagine what's going on. I did write this late at night, so I haven't edited it yet.... Anyways, JSchlatt oneshot next??

Word count: 1920

It was around midnight and (y/n) couldn't sleep, so she stared at her ceiling and thinking if she should do a stream. Her thoughts went straight to what her and her viewers had talked about weeks prior to this. 'Have you ever thought about doing a 24 hour stream?' the robotic voice spoke, reading off a dono of 30 dollars.

Well, tonight was that night. Knowing it was the weekend and she didn't have any college classes until Monday, this was going to be the night (y/u/n) ((your user name)) did her 24 hour livestream. Was it a bad idea? Yes. Was someone bound to scold her for the decision? Oh hell yeah. So, the 19 year old went over to her desk and booted up her computer, setting up Minecraft and making a quick list of what she could do. (y/n) wasn't a very popular streamer, so she only had a few mods. 'I'm sure one of them will be up.' She sent a quick message to her mods chat on discord and received a couple replies of people being able to do it.

A ping came from Nick's phone, his tired eyes trailing from his monitor to his phone, seeing that one of his friends were streaming. His eyebrows furrowed and he quickly went to Twitch on his web browser, searching up "(y/u/n)" and seeing she was live with a title that said "Join Me For A 24 Hour Stream!!" he sighed and clicked on it, only seeing about 50 people in chat. Nick loved her chat because it was a lot more chill than his own. 'Hello!' and 'What are you doing up??' filled most of the chat, earning a heart filled laugh from the streamer.

"Hello hello everyone! I have a little plan for what we're going to do, but other than that, I have no idea, so leave some suggestions for me please and maybe we can do some!" (y/n) smiled as she leaned back in her chair, looking at her chat and occasionally her camera to see if it was actually working. Nick smirked and quickly went in to send a dono.

"What do you think you're doing up, cutie? Maybe vc?" Read a robotic voice, making the girl quickly turn her attention to her screen where she re-read the message. She laughed and shook her head, her cheeks becoming a light pink. Nick always knew how to fluster the other. And despite that they weren't together, he always made sure to drop hints that he did like her.

"hm.. The Sapnap has donated 10 dollars and asked to vc... what should I do, chat?" (y/n) asked, a sly smile on her face as she made quick eye contact with the face cam before looking at her chat. Chat was filled with 'Sapnap's here??', 'Do itttt!!', 'POGGERS! GETTIN NOTICED BY SAPNAPPPP'. No one really knew the two teens were close friends since she always played on Sapnap's streams or barely played with him at all. (y/n) was always more of a solo streamer than a collab one. (y/n) quickly went to discord, sending Nick a 'vc accepted' before calling him and putting her headphones on so she could hear him.

"There's my favorite girl!" Sapnap said, sounding drained of energy. (y/n) laughed and looked at her camera as if she was actually talking to the male miles away from her.

"Sapnappp!! Hello! You sound exhausted, handsome. Why aren't you in bed?" (y/n) asked, her cheeks becoming a darker pink as she shared her Main Menu screen of Minecraft and clicking on her own little world she's been working on for a bit. Sapnap yawned then clapped his hands a little bit as if that was going to keep him awake.

"Well, one of my favorite streamers are doing this 24 hour stream and I plan to stay up with them." He explains, some clicking picking up on his mic. Chat started to freak out, saying 'simpnap!', making (y/n) stifle some chuckles.

"You must be a major simp for them. Cause according to my chat, that's a simp move, mr.simpnap." The streamer chuckled as she heard instant disagreement statements from the boy on the end of the line. 'Definitely a simp..' She thought as she jumped around her house and went to enchant some armor.

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