Christmas Things

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Hellllooooo!!! I am here and with some more holiday based things because Christmas is so close and I love making these kind of things. Also, this is legit my last idea then I'm hitting writers block- so if you have any ideas, please let me know! I'll give you all the credit for the idea!!

Word Count: 1,300

- y'all would sleep til at least noon
-goes to his parents house around 2pm for dinner
-then your house about 6pm since Dream's parents love to take their sweet time
-christmas movies all night long (and throughout Christmas week)
-you make cookies for "Santa" but Dream gets to them first
-he got you a ring with your birthstone in it
-he thought it was pretty and would look good on you^^
-you got him a little stuffed alligator.
-you felt terrible about the gift you got him, but he sleeps with it whenever you arent next to him, so it's very special to him

-spend most of the day with his family since yours are in (y/s) ((your state))
-will meet up with Wilbur and just hang out at his house
-take out food for dinner
-tried to get you something expensive. but you told him no, so he got you a new headset for your computer
-yeah, that was kind of expensive, but it was less expensive than the necklace he wanted to get you
-you surprised him with a trip to America, knowing most of his friends lived there

-woke up to his sisters yelling that it was Christmas
-of course Nick wasnt too happy about that, but was excited to give you your gift
-I'm legally obligated to put this here- he gives you gentle kisses on the forehead and rubs your side to wake you up
-makes coffee
-his gift to you was plane tickets back home so you could visit your family (you moved to Texas from across the country)
-you got him a new face cam just in case he ever did those types of streams/videos like that again

-what can I say, you spent most of the holiday with the Mr.Beast team, but mostly Chris
-Karl had matching ugly sweaters for the both of you
-cuddles all day long, not matter where y'all were
-he got you a new bed set, knowing your old one was starting to loose its fluff
-you got him a polaroid camera since his phone was starting to loose phone storage

-legit, gaming all day
-jackbox and minecraft is all you two played
-of course spent some time with family, but once you got a proper mic, it was gaming
-you got Quackity a new beanie and an organizer for his Law School stuff
-he was the one who got you the new mic :)

-he had some music recording to do later in the day, but you spent a lot of time at your family's house
-you made Will's favorite dinner
-cuddles, hot chocolate and movies all night long
-you got him new picks since he manages to loose all of his
-he got you your own hoodie that was his size so he could steal it

-had an early Christmas in (y/s) before going to the Netherlands
-very chill and festive
-Fundy is a very festive person, so the wrapping paper was very colorful under the over decorated tree
-he got you his favorite Netherland snacks, knowing you've never had them before
-you got him a new hoodie so he had a new one cause his old ones were starting to wear out

-over sleeping
-like, 3pm over sleeping..
-y'all went to your parents house for a couple ours before visiting his
-another all-nighter, 5 hour stream on his Twich
-you had your own YouTube videos to edit
-late night pizza and (y/f/s) ((your favorite soda))
-he got you a new and faster computer
-you got him a new chair since his old one seemed to be making him uncomfortable

Technoblade: (I'm so sorry, this one isnt the best-)
-you both were woken up by his younger sister who was somehow bouncing off the walls with excitement.
-you made breakfast for everyone, he made dinner
-told a Christmas story to his sister before presents were handed out.
-he went on about Greek Mythology, knowing you loved it when he got all smart.
-he got you a paper organizer as you were still in college studying History
-you got him a new Greek Myth book because he lost his other one and a crown from Party City so you could officially call him "blood god"

-met up in the middle of the day to go to the arcade so he can get a new vlog gun
-you went to his house for dinner and spent the night since you planned to stream with him the next day
-he gave you his extra gun he won at the arcade
-you gave him a small keychain with a fox dangling from it

-just like Tommy, you guys would meet up and do something fun
-his sister (I forgot her name, sorry) followed along which you guys didnt mind
-it started to snow so you all played in the snow that never stuck to the ground
-he got you a teddy bear and put a nametag on it, naming it "Toby" so you would always have something to remind you of him
-you got him a stuffed minecraft bee and named it Finn for no reason, but he called it (y/n) for the same reason why he named your bear Toby

-he woke up early and made breakfast
-since both of you lived away from family, you guys just chilled at home, Bad always saying he had another gift for you
-you were only able to get him a couple gifts while he got you tons
-he got you a necklace, a couple stuffed animals, a new blanket, a fuzzy pillow, a couple new shirts and a new hoodie
-you got him a stuffed dog that looked similar to Rat and a bracelet that had your guys' initials and the day you got together
-Bonus: you felt bad that you didnt get him the same amount of gifts, but he adored the stuffed animal, always keeping it next to his computer or with him at all times and he never took the bracelet off.

-Like Bad, you guys lived kind of far from your families, so you guys just chilled at home
-he had to record, so it was a take out night
-while he recorded, you worked on college stuff, thankful you had a week off of work to just relax
-movies and rough housing (he didnt hurt you, dont worry.)
-he got you a pencil case for all of the writing utensils you had and a notebook for whatever you wanted (writing notes, drawing, writing..)
-you got him a hoodie that had a little minecraft diamond on the top left by the collar

-you guys hung out the Lunchclub from noon to midnight.
-both you and Schlatt werent on the best terms with your parents, so it was a sleep in kind of day
-im legally obligated to put this here- he will play with your hair and admire your sleeping features before trying to actually wake you up.
-played the Wii for a few hours around 1a.m
-he got you a necklace with a "S" on it with a little ram charm on the chain
-you got him a new Wii game (which is what you raged at for hours on end) called "Wipeout" (if y'all played this and didnt get mad, you're a god/goddess. I dont make the rules)

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