Dream x fem!reader- Face Reveal

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Um, TW? This contains slight swearing and yelling, so if you dont like that stuff, please skip this story♡

Word count: 1333

"Dream! Stop shooting me!!" (Y/n) yelled at her computer monitor as arrows were stuck in her Minecraft avatar. From her headphones, the infamous tea kettle noises came from the discord call. (Y/n) had been streaming for a few hours now and was about to stop. That is until she almost killed Dream and was now on the run from him, swerving through trees and hopping over holes in the ground. She never managed to get away from him as hit after hit was laid on her character until she was at half a heart.

"DREAM! I HAVE HALF A HEART! PLEASE!! I HAVE VALUABLES!!" The female screamed, Dreams' wheezes somehow got worse to where he could barely breathe, his character coming to a spot as he tried to catch his breath. (Y/n) quickly ate some food then grabbed her diamond sword and started hitting dream, killing him almost instantly since he took of his netherite armor back at his base.

"That's not fair!" Dream suddenly yelled, his character running back to where he was killed seconds ago. (Y/n) just shook her head and laughed while her character ate some steak to recharge her health bar. About another hour later, (y/n) said bye to her chat before ending the stream and leaning back in her chair.

"Sounds like it was a successful stream. Any new subs or interesting donos?" Dream asked as she let out a tired sigh. The donos were like how they were since she ever started streaming with Dream. 'Are you two dating?', 'can you ask Dream to say happy birthday to ___?', 'I love you and your content, please say it back.', 'face reveal anytime soon? ;)' it was so annoying. Yes, (y/n) was another faceless streamer, but had shown a few selected people her face. And that was Dream, Sapnap and Bad. She trusted them most (sorry George).

"Clay..?" (Y/n) mumbled, barely being heard through discord. Dream's heart started to race, his face becoming warm. She never used his real name unless it was serious. So Clay made a little humming sound into his mic, letting (y/n) know he was listening.

"I know I shouldn't be pressuring you into this.. but I've never seen your face and we've been friends for years.. but I get if you don't fully trust me-" (y/n) was cut of by laughing coming from none other than Clay. Her eyebrows furrowed and her head tilted

"Why are you laughing..?" She asked quietly, her hands now fidgeting with each other as she was nervous for what he was going to say in response to her pressure.

"You could've just asked, cutie." Clay said, his voice a little muffled because his head was down to try and relieve the blush that had suddenly taken his face over. Soon, (y/n) got a message on her phone and looked at the notification.

Pissbaby sent a attachment!

"You didn't..." the girl said, her hands hesitating to look at the picture. Would he look like what she imagined? Dirty blonde hair with some pulled back, emerald eyes, freckles littering his cheeks, little facial hair growing on his chin? Or what if it was the complete opposite? Looks wouldn't stop their friendship, but her expectations were way too high for the poor boy.

But her expectations were exceeded. His hair had looked like it had recently had a trim so it wasn't so long, forest green eyes with blue rings surrounding them, he definitely had freckles, they were more noticeable on his cheeks but if you looked close, you could see them on his forehead and going down by his jaw that was almost perfect. She was snapped out of her trance when the male started to chuckle.

"So, am I pretty to you or the shittiest lookin guy you've ever seen?" He asked, the light creaking of his chair being picked up by the mic. Clay had never been insecure about his looks, but when it came to (y/n), he started to be. Other people looked so much nicer than him, making him jealous. Toned bodies, white smiles, sharp as hell jawlines... Don't get him wrong, Clay had a good body for someone who played video games for a living, but still.

(Y/n) was quiet for too long, making the other party worry. Clay tried to get her attention, but nothing seemed to work. (Y/n) couldn't even speak. Her face was as hot as the sun, her hand covered her mouth in shock, her own (e/c) or a taking in every feature. His smile, his hair, his eyes, his jaw... even the flaws. Acne scars that pretty much everyone get during puberty, his uneven growing facial hair... God he was perfect.

"If you're not going to answer me, I'm gonna hang u-" Clay started, knowing that would get her attention right away. The two usually were on a call until the other fell asleep.

"Wait wait wait!" (Y/n) said, her voice cracking a little as she dropped the phone and put her hands on the mouse and keyboard to check if he actually left. But the laughs coming from the headphones answered her question and she ran her hands over her face.

"...don't joke like that... especially now.." (y/n) mumbled, her hands now running through her hair. Clay stopped his laughing and his eyebrows furrowed. 'Now? What..?'

"What do you mean?" He asked, leaning on his desk and closer to the mic so it sounded like he was right in her ear. (Y/n) tensed, her hands grabbing at her oversized hoodie.

"Jsnsjxhz don't be in my ear like that! It's weird!" (Y/n) frantically waved her hands, trying to prevent herself from taking the headset off and throwing them across the room. People whispering into her ear like that felt really weird. But when Clay did it, she wanted him to do it again...
'WHAT AM I THINKING?! UGH GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU BEAUTIFUL MAN' (y/n) hit her forehead a little, Clay telling her to calm down.

"Well, you didn't answer my question." Clay said back, rubbing his neck nervously. He wanted to impress (y/n), exceed whatever expectations she had of him. He'd do anything to improve himself if (y/n) told him a flaw, told him that a simple thing could be changed and he would do it. (Y/n) let out a confused sound to his question, making Clay shake his head. 'What the hell was she doing that she couldn't even hear my question?' Clay thought as he sighed.

"I asked if you thought I was pretty or an ogre." He said, hearing giggling from the other side of the call. Now it was Clay's turn to be confused. When (y/n) finished her laughing fit, she let out a little sigh. She got up close to her mic and grabbed her desk to keep her steady.

"You're the prettiest person I have ever seen, Dream. You're like a dream.. I get it now.." the girl whispered into the mic, sending shivers down Clay's back as he gripped the chair. 'Bold moves, missy...' Clay thought as he laughed a little.

The rest of the night consisted of Clay asking questions about his appearance and (y/n) answering them with 'you're perfect, shut up' or 'no Clay, ___ doesn't need to be changed. S t u p i d.' 

Soon enough, Dream had fallen asleep a lot earlier than usual, but that was because he had been pulling multiple all nighters to edit videos and wait for (y/n) to fall asleep first. When she heard quiet snores coming from the end, (y/n) smiled gently closed her eyes, falling alseep to Clay's muffled snores coming through her phone.

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