Quackity x fem!reader- Left At The Alter (Part 2!)

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Guys please- I'm so single- Sorry if it's short and not up to expectations, but I have other requests to write and I really wanted to get this one out of the way lol. Anyways enjoy you Big Q simps <3

Content warning's: blood mentions and drugz. If these make you uncomfortable, please skip this story or just the parts where it is mentioned! I have plenty of other chapters :]

Word count: 936

It's been a week since Quackity was ditched at the alter. Him and (y/n) had been spending almost every moment together. Whether it be building something or just running around the server.

"(y/n)! Look!" Quackity said happily, running over to the (e/c) eyed girl who had been harvesting wheat to help Niki with her bread and cake stock.

"Quackity... please tell me that's sugar.." (y/n) looked at the male who has immediately hid the white grains in his hands.

"Um... you know what... never mind it wasn't important anyways." Quackity shrugged and (y/n) stood up, opening her inventory and grabbing her diamond sword titled "No Drugs". Quackity knew right away what is was and started running and laughing with (y/n) hot on his tail.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DRUGS BIG Q???" (y/n) yelled, swinging her sword in hopes to do at least a little damage. Soon she caught up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down. Quackity flared his arms as the two fell and rolled down a small hill. Once they hit the bottom of the hill, (y/n) sat on his stomach with her sword pointed at his chin, lifting it slightly.

The two sat like that for a second, catching their breath and just taking in the moment. (y/n) had been scratched by a rock on the way down and Quackity was scraped by a branch, so the slight blood coming from (y/n)'s cheek worried Quackity slightly.

"I thought we agreed... that there will be no drugs.." (y/n) huffed out. She noticed Quackity was just staring at her and she let her sword down slowly. A confused look covered her features as she looked at herself to see if she could spot what he was looking at.

The male pulled his sleeve over his hand and raised it up to her wound, making her wince and grab his hand, keeping it on her cheek.

"You're hurt.." Quackity breathed out, concern lacing his words. A blush raised to (y/n)'s cheeks, making it bleed a little more.

"Yeah- I guess I am.. um.." (y/n) slowly removed his hand from her cheek and stood up. Quackity followed suit, leaving the small area they had fallen in.

"Are you gonna fix it?" Quackity asked, matching pace with the female who shrugged. Of course she wanted to fix it, but she had no supplies to.

"Maybe. It doesn't hurt so there isnt a need to." Lies. It did hurt. Cause that rock must have left some dirt in there or something. Quackity sighed and grabbed the girls hand, dragging her to his house.

"Sit." Quackity demanded, pointing to the counter since he didn't own much furniture. (y/n) did as told, sitting on top of the counter with her legs dangling off the edge.

"Quackity it's not a big deal, I'm fine." (y/n) said as he walked back out with a small med kit, setting it next to her. Quackity gently grabbed her face and moved it so he could inspect the wound. (y/n)'s face turned into a light pink color, avoiding all eye-contact with the other.

"It got you pretty bad.." Quackity mumbled, ignoring what the girl had said and opened the small kit, taking out the necessary items to fix (y/n)'s cheek. The girl sighed and gave in, letting Quackity do what he needed to do.

After a small amount of time, Quackity had finished and secured the bandage onto the (s/c) skin, his thumb brushing over it gently. He gave a satisfied smile, looking the girl right in the eyes which caused her to flinch.

"There.. All pretty again." Quackity said, making the female blush brightly and nudging his shoulder, laughing it off. Quackity followed her to the door, claiming that what he said was the smoothest thing he's ever said to her.

"Wait, what?" (y/n) turned around, her eyebrows furrowed slightly at what Quackity had claimed. The boy sighed, fixing his beanie a little and shook his head which just confused the other more.

"(y/n)... This last week, I've been dropping subtle hints.. I know that I was just at the alter trying to marry some power hungry bastard... But this last week made me realize that I didn't want him, I wanted you. I would never have been happy in that marriage. I'm not trying to say that I wanna marry you right now! I'm just saying-" Quackity cut him off when he heard held back laughs from (y/n), making him turn red in embarrassment. He just confessed his feelings and she's laughing at him??

"You're a dork." (y/n) let out a held in breath that sounded more like a laugh. She grabbed his face and kissed his cheek (y'all thought lol). Quackity smiled a little, trying to process what was happening.

"What was that for? Wait.. OH!" Quackity's mind clicked on what was happening and he laughed, picking the slightly shorter female and spinning her around. (y/n) kept her arms around his neck while he spun, making sure that she wouldn't fall.

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