Karl x fem!reader- Overworked

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Hi everyone!! Sorry this is probably terrible and I did rush it a little since I just finished this during my lunch time at school XD anyways, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless and I'll be writing more when I get home tonight!! <33

Word Count: 623

Seventeen. There were seventeen tabs open in her computer, every tab containing a different assignment. (y/n) had fallen behind in her college classes, the sadness of being caught up in her shared home made (y/n) loose all her motivation. Don't get her wrong, (y/n) loved living with Karl. They had been together for a year now, moving in together after dating for 4 months.

"Babes... I'm tired.." Karl whined quietly, wrapping his arms around the shorter girls shoulders and putting his face in her neck. (y/n) resisted the urge of looking at Karl, knowing that one look at his tired features would make her cave in. 

"I have a few more assignments to do, love. Go to bed and I'll be there shortly." (y/n) mumbled under her breath, clearly concentrated on what she had been working on. This was the third time this week she had stayed up past 2am for school. Karl hated seeing her so burnt out, drinking as many Monsters as he did in two days. 

Karl removed his arms from (y/n)'s shoulders and grabbed the top of the laptop, slowly closing it so she couldn't type anymore. (y/n) huffed and looked at Karl who wore a concerned expression on his face.

"You've done plenty of work today. You spent all day sitting here." Karl spoke quietly, brushing some of (y/n)'s hair out of her face.

"I know.. but I fell behind and all this is finally paying off. If I just finish this one, I could go stream-" (y/n) ram led on before Karl cut her off.

"No, you're not going to stream. I know that sounds harsh but you've been working so hard these last few days. You're burning yourself out." Karl explained, pulling up a chair next to hers so he could talk to her properly. (y/n) fiddled with her fingers like a child who was being given a lecture by their parent. She knew she was overworking herself. But the constant thought and dread of failing college to become what she wanted was crushing. It's all she thought about sometimes.

"Please, just come to bed. I miss falling asleep with you.." Karl practically begged, his hands rubbing little circles on her thighs. (y/n) honestly missed that as well. She missed crawling into bed with him and falling asleep to his soft breathing. But when she stayed up all night, it was the same thing when she went to bed, it was just different in a way.

"Really, Karl, I'm fine! I'll just stream for a couple hours then I'll be right to bed!" (y/n) said, a smile showing on her face which only made her eyebags more noticeable as her cheeks lifted up. Karl shook his head and gently grabbed her wrist and dragging her out of her chair. Despite her complaints, Karl walked the girl to their shared room and pointed at the bed.

"Bed, now." Karl demanded, his voice becoming a little lower which made (y/n) blush as she followed.

(y/n) sighed in relief, letting the mattress hug her from behind as Karl climbed in next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Thank you, Karl.." (y/n) sighed, a smile covering her face as she curled into his side. Karl hummed and kissed the top of her head, letting the tv play in the background as the two peacefully fell asleep.

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