Spanap x fem!reader- Prison Visits (Part 2)

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Okay... this is terrible but I wanted to end this story on a good note and the only way I know how to do that is whatever this became lmao. If you guys aren't satisfied with this, I could totally re-write it, but I'm tired and I've written like 3 stories today so I am DONE XD And yes, the end was slightly rushed because I didn't know how to end it-

Word count: 790

(y/n) didn't know where she had ran off to. All she knew is that she was sitting on the sand , her hand making little shapes in the water. For some reason, playing with water managed to calm the girl down. Maybe it was the small waves that emitted off her hand entering the water or how cool it was in such a warm biome.

It was about sunset and (y/n) had no clue where she was. She had nothing to keep her warm besides the flint and steel that would last a couple seconds. She could make a campfire, but if she stayed there, warmth wasn't going to be the only thing she had to worry about.

>Sapnap whispered to you< Beautiful please come home.. It's getting late and I'm worried about you.

(y/n) looked at the message and re-read it a couple times. Was he going to get mad at her if she didn't go home? Would he yell at her if she did go home? No, Sapnap wasn't that type of guy. He'd only be overly worried.

>You whispered to Sapnap< Can I have the coords..?  

Sapnap quickly gave the girl the coordinates, setting her on her journey back home.

~Time skip cuz I'm s w a g ~

Once (y/n) had gotten home, the moon was just coming over the trees to make it's nightly appearance. No one had been outside that night which was unusual, but (y/n) made nothing of it. People were probably just tired. When (y/n) had opened the door, trying to be as quiet as she could just incase Sapnap had went to bed, George looked up from the couch.

"Oh, hey you're home." The British male said, earning a small nod from the girl who slipped her shoes off. (y/n) had tilted her head and George caught on, his eyes looking down on his lap.

"He was worried, so I told him to just sleep and I'd wake him up when you got home." George explained to which (y/n) shook her head quickly to.

"Don't wake him up. I'm gonna go take care of myself then I'll be back, okay? Just make sure he sleeps. It's been a while since he's gotten a good sleep." (y/n) said, George nodding and going back to the book he had been reading. The girl quickly left, going to the shower and cleaning the blood off her hands and face, wincing quietly. Once she got out, she tended to her cuts and bruises which took A LOT longer than she wanted.

"Hey, I'm back. You can go now or stay, I don't mind." (y/n) whispered, snapping George out of his imagination. George nodded and carefully got up, putting a pillow under Sapnap's head in place of his lap. Once George had gone home, (y/n) kneeled in front of Sapnap. She looked at him, admiring his sleeping features. She moved a strand of hair out of his eyes which cause the male to shift at her touch.

"Sap.. I'm home.." (y/n) whispered, caressing his cheek with her thumb. Sapnap scrunched his eyebrows together before carefully opening his eyes. Once her saw the girl, a tired smile spread across his face and his hand reached up to lay on hers.

"Hey.. You're home.." His voice was gentle and quiet. (y/n) smiled back and nodded.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed." (y/n) grabbed his hand and pulled him up, earning a groan from the taller male. Sapnap wrapped his arms around (y/n) and pulled her down onto the couch, making her yelp.

"The couch is comfy..." Sapnap mumbled, his grip tightening on the girl who laid on top of him. (y/n) had a death grip on the couch, scared the she was going to hurt herself more than she already had that day.

"Sapnap.. we both can't fit on here." (y/n) mumbled, her forehead resting on his chest, earning a shrug from the male underneath.

"We'll make it work. Now get some rest." Sapnap yawned and leaned his head back a little so (y/n) could get comfortable because there was no way she was leaving his grip. (y/n) scoffed and relaxed, her arms placed at his sides. 

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