How Each Person Dies (Plus Explanation) Headcanons!!

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Here's the headcanons! Thank you to the person who gave me the idea on Quotev! It was hard to come up with these, but I managed to do it! :D

Word Count: 2,796

Cause of death: Stab wound to the heart
Death Explanation: Dream had used up his favor with Technoblade to get out of jail and when Sam found him trying to leave, he immediately called Sapnap knowing he was going to take his last life. Sapnap showed up quickly, catching Dream off-guard and used a diamond sword to shove through his chest with no hesitation or remorse. "I told you Dream."
Appearance: His mask is on the side of his head, showing his pale green eyes, light freckles, and a few scars that laid on his face gently. His clothing consisted of his signature lime green hoodie, his prison outfit that has the top half tied around his waist, and black boots that came up a little over his ankles. A cuff stayed on his left ankle, the chain dragging on the ground behind him
Personality: He's always looking for company, but once he gets it, he pushes the person away. Scared to get emotionally attached to someone. Avoids places like the Community House since it was something he had a huge attachment to. He likes to stick around George and Sapnap and sometimes Bad. Whenever he sees Tommy, he'll suddenly get mad but doesn't know why.

Cause of death: Poisoned by mushrooms
Death Explanation: It was pure accident. George didn't check the mushrooms he was using in his stew. One of them was a poisonous mushroom and it obviously spread throughout the stew. 
Appearance: George keeps his glasses on, preventing anyone from seeing the sick and exhausted eyebags that were lazily put under his now dark blue and dark brown eyes. George had the Kinoko Kingdom flag as a cape, showing he was still loyal to the home he made with his friends. His shirt was his stereotypical light blue short sleeve with a red and white box on the center of his chest accompanied by blue jeans that fit his legs perfectly with black shoes to finish the look.
Personality: George doesn't really hang out with people when he's dead. He mostly sleeps throughout the day and shows up during the night. He sleeps during the day because his eyes are light sensitive, hints why he continues to use his glasses even at night. He will stick around Sapnap mostly and avoid Dream a little because all his good memories of Dream are slowly fading away the more people tell him how bad of a person he was. George will aimlessly walk around (whether it be around L'manburg or Kinoko Kingdom) enjoying the quiet since almost everyone is asleep while he's awake.

Sapnap: ⚠️Suicide mention⚠️
Cause of Death: Drowning
Death Explanation: Sapnap slowly realized that he had nothing left. Yes, he was supposed to get married, but with Quackity running away to Las Navadas and Karl slowly forgetting who he is put Sapnap into a deep depression. A dark void that he didn't know how to get out of. Not to mention his father (BadBoyHalo) being corrupted by a brain-washing egg, it threw him over the edge.
Appearance: Sapnap is constantly dripping of water. His white shirt over his black hoodie was now see through, his headband is see through as well, showing his pale skin. His hair is parted down the center like normal and it seems dry, but water drips off the tips. Most of his skin is dry for unknown reasons. His chocolate eyes were now a cloudy light blue, causing him to not see things that are in front of him. His lips were a purple-blue mixture instead of a light pink. Sapnap is always shivering no matter where he is.
Personality: Sapnap is still pretty quiet and is always checking his surroundings since he's paranoid that his fiancés would see him like this. He picks at his fingers constantly and jumps at the slightest of sounds. Of course he will say hello to people and make conversation, but if he thinks he said something wrong, he immediately apologizes and back away, thinking they'll try and hurt him. Sapnap remembers everything if someone didn't remember, Sap will describe that event in every detail.

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