Sapnap x fem!reader- A Walk Around Manburg

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Tehehe, starting off with my favorite! Sapnap is one of my comfort streamers, and the body shaming he's getting is terrible. He does not deserve it at all. But haters gonna hate... Let's get to the story!

word count: 1772 words

~pov is 3rd person~

(y/n) sat at the beach, her legs spread out in front of her so she could play with the warm sand between her fingers while enjoying the quiet splashes of the ocean. The sand slipped through her fingerless gloves which allowed her palms to feel the small rocks scratch her skin gently. Schlatt had recently become president and it made the former members of L'manburg very mad. (y/n) wanted to prevent anything bad from happening, but it was Schlatt.. Something bad was bound to happen. And now since she left Manburg to stay with her former people, she wasn't allowed back in those boundaries. The farthest she could go was the holy land.

Sapnap on the other hand didn't know what side he wanted to be on. He had the choice of staying with his best friends Dream and George or had the choice of going with his crush. Sapnap had liked (y/n) for a while now, about a month, ever since she pretty much saved him from Tommy stabbing him to death. The knife wounds that night weren't too bad, so (y/n) offered to help the other treat his wounds. So yeah, her kindness really got through him and now he had fallen. While trying to clear his mind, he saw a figure in the darkness, only the moonlight illuminating their general figure. Sapnap pulled out his bow and aimed right next to the mysterious person, making them jump.

The arrow had landed so close to (y/n)'s thigh that if he aimed just a centimeter more to the left he would have hit her. The female subconsciously put her hands up to where they were aligned with her shoulders and dropped the left over sand in her hands. Sapnap tilted his head, still not being able to figure out who it was. He was thinking it was Nikki, but she has more of a feminine posture to her. This person did have more feminine than masculine to their movements, but it still confused the sleep deprived boy.

'This is where I end. I should have listened to Wil and stayed home.. ' The girl thought as she kept her slightly shaky hands up and her (e/c) eyes tightly closed, scared with who she would see. Schlatt? Quackity? Hell, Tubbo or Dream? At this point, it could be anyone and she was kinda scared. Now Sapnap could tell who this person as the light glow on the moon showed their face. '(y/n)..?' Sapnap thought to himself, actually surprised to see the other on the beach this late at night which Sapnap could only guess as 11pm. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair flowed to the right along with the cool night breeze. The light showed off her brown cape flowing the same way as her hair and showed off some of the (f/c) shirt underneath. Her ripped denim jeans having some specks of golden sand on them and her black boots shined.

As Sapnap was fawning over the girl about 30 feet away, (y/n) opened her eyes and saw the dark haired male, seeing the left over behind his head from his white headband flowed gently in the wind. How would she greet him? How COULD she greet him? They were on apposing sides... Wilbur had told (y/n) to avoid talking to anyone in Manburg or else she'd... you know.. no more breathing for her.

"Sap..?" The (h/c) haired girl asked quietly, her (e/c) orbs squinting a little but still catching that sparkle of the moonlight. Sapnap snapped out of it and gave a little nod, straightening his posture. He walked over to her, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"What are you doing here? You're lucky it was me who caught you, not Dream." Sapnap said quietly as if he said it louder, someone would have heard. (y/n) just giggled a little, covering her mouth with her wrist. She found it sweet that he was concerned for someone who was on the opposite side. (y/n) had recently started on her crush towards Sapnap, but avoided the feelings knowing that the rest of Pogtopia wouldn't like hearing it. 

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