Pet Names For You

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Double upload?? Um, YES- I kinda didn't like the Dream one shot I made, so hopefully this is better than that :D

-Mostly call you cutie, but will include the occasional "babe" and "baby"
-came from when you were eating a small orange and he said it looked like you
-you were just small to him

- "my love" is what he always uses
- "my lovvveee I'm tiredd, cuddle timeee" 
- "George... You're still streaming-"

- "beautiful", "gorgeous", "cutie"
- Ocassional "sexy" when he's really out of it, but usually never
- WILL use the "hey mamas" line on you when you walk in while he's recording/streaming, earning a punch on the arm.
- "ooowwww that hurtt.." 
- "then don't call me that"

- very classic
- "babe", "baby", "beautiful"
- "Babe babe babe babe! I won the challenge!"
- "That's great, Karl! What did you get?"
- "Jimmy gave us a vacation trip instead of the 10 grand..!"

- loves to give you hispanic versions of pet names
- "Mi sol" (means "my sun"), "princesa" (means "princess"), "mi reina" (means "my queen")
- Never fails to make you blush since his accent can be strong when saying them.
- Will occasionally say them in English, but that usually means he's upset
- "princess, can we go to bed early?"
- "bad stream?"
- "mhm..."

- "my artist", "e-girl"
- "my artist" came from when you got bored and accidentally wrote the rest of one of his songs then drew a little picture with it.
-Sometimes will just call you by your name when he's tired or not in the mood to really do anything.
- "do you want to do anything today, Will?"
- "can we just have a lazy day, (y/n)?"

-"Sweetie" is mainly used since he isn't the kind of person to come up with pet names.
- came from the abundant amount of sweets you consume
- "What do you want for dinner, sweetie?"
- "Stew... Like how you made it for that family get together?"

- Also not one to give you pet names, but when he's feeling like it, he'll call you the classics.
- "babe", "baby"
- "babe! come join me on stream!" 
- "let me get some water, love!"

- "nerd", "smarty", "beautiful" (occasionally) 
- you were a science major, going into forensics when you two met
- "hey, smarty! Done with your essay?!" (usually called from his room while you were in the kitchen)
- "a few more sentences! Hold on!"

- will not HESITATE to pick on you
- "short stuff", "woman", "mom" (only cause you nag at him like one)
- Usually happens when you, Tubbo and him are in a call.
- "Tommy go to bed! I know you're up late all the time!"
- "What are you, my mom? Shut up, woman."
- you're so used to the nick names that they don't even bother you anymore.

- "bee", "the smart one", "chill girl"
- You two haven't met in real life, but you two really bonded over being the quiet ones and having a love for bee's
- "Bee! You're online! vc??" <-- always dmed when you hop onto discord
- "sure Tubbo! You streaming?" 
-usually streaming by the time you get on.
- "you know it! Dream SMP time! :D"

- "angel", "beautiful", "my everything"
- got your nickname when he saw you mc skin during a MCC
- "Bad? You streaming?"
- "Angel! Yeah, I am! Wanna say "hi" to chat??"

- "blue", "ocean"
- based off your eye color and you college major of Oceanography (study of the ocean)
- "Zak? Are you sleeping?"
- "hey blue.. I was *yawn* waiting for you.." 
- you took night classes so you worked all day and didn't see him til late at night.

JSchlatt: (slight cursing)
- "city girl", "perfection", "hun" 
- "city girl" is used to tick you off since you were from the west and raised to live on a farm forever
- "Schlatt? You okay?" (usually after a long day of recording a Wii game)
- "I'm fine hun. I just want to sleep... Fuckin baby Yuto wouldn't shut up..." 

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