Technoblade x fem!reader- Christmas Decorating

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I love writing in the Minecraft being real AU, so here we go again :) 

Word Count: 965

"Techno! Look!" Wilbur called out to his older brother, a smile plastered on his grey face and his white eyes closed tightly. Techno and (y/n) had been working on organizing chests for the last hour because Mr. Raccoon in the basement had disorganized them while raiding poor Technoblade.

"What is it Wil?" Techno asked, turning his attention from the wool in his hands to the floating person. Wilbur smiled and sat on the ground next to the couple and placed lights on top of some wood planks that laid aimlessly on the floor.

"A string of lights?" (y/n) asked, reaching for the lights and examining them. Wilbur nodded happily and Tommy came up his latter at the sound of lights. Phil soon walked in, his arms full of random bundles of lights.

"Yeah! Phil got me into L'Manburg since Dream wasn't around and we got some lights! I really like the blue ones!" Wilbur stated, his knee starting to bounce in excitement as he pointed to the bundle (y/n) was holding in her hands. Phil set down the lights onto the floor behind Wilbur, Tommy quickly running over to them and sitting on his knees while he tried to untangle them.

"Wait, where do you plan to put these??" Techno asked. He didn't hate the idea, but it was way too much unnecessary work to put them up. (y/n) and Tommy exchanged looks, knowing that the two of them would get it all done themselves. Surprisingly, Christmas was the whole family's favorite holiday. But with Techno being so disconnected from his family for so long, he didn't like the idea of it. He always spent the special holiday by himself so most of his memories of it was just him being alone.

"Where else? I already had a plan for where they would go and look nice. And maybe we could do our old tradition..?" Phil said, nervously rubbing his bicep.  The tradition they had was they all set up lights, along with the tree, then Phil would make some cookies while the boys watched a Christmas movie. Techno looked over at (y/n), some sort of.. upset look. It hurt him to look back on those memories. He never thought he'd be in this situation again, he doesn't want to let the go. (y/n) gave him a reassuring smile with a light nod.

"I could help make cookies this year. Techo says I good a baking sweets." (y/n) offered to Phil, which to her relief Phil happily nodded. Techno gave in and allowed everyone to decorate his home. And that's what they did for the next few hours. Tommy and Wilbur had to build a separate home so everyone could be in one place and not crammed in the small house Techno planned for just one person.

"And... Done!" (y/n) smiled, setting the fresh baked goods on the polished granite counters. Tommy quickly ran up and looked at them with a childish glow in his eyes. Phil shook his head and called for Techno and Wilbur who were drinking their hot cocoa and reminiscing on past memories.

"(y/n)! Did you know that I almost beat Techno in a spar? When we were younger.." Wilbur continued to talk, using hand motions to put more detail in the interesting story. Techno just chuckled and walked behind the shorter female and set his chin on her shoulder, his long pink hair draping over her shoulder.

The rest of that night consisted of Wilbur talking about what he remembers, Tommy backing up what he said and Phil shaking his head at most of the memories. Random movies played in the background as they spoke, (y/n) occasionally having to get back up and re-fill drinks or make more. At the end of the night, Wilbur had fallen asleep on Phil's shoulder and Tommy on his lap. Techno had dozed off a few times, reason being he was out for the last two nights mining and in the nether. (y/n) on the other hand had been wide awake, her insomnia kicking her in the ass for the last week, running on only a few hours of sleep.

"...I missed this.." Techno's raspy voice snapped (y/n) out of her thoughts as she looked over at him, seeing the faintest of smiles on his face as he watched the other three peacefully sleep. 

"I bet.. You're lucky, Techno. You still have your family. Cherish it, okay?" (y/n) said, standing up and kissing his forehead gently as she started to clean up the room. (y/n) never really talked about her past to Technoblade, but hey, there was some progress for a second. The tall man stood up and took his cloak off, draping it over Tommy before he grabbed a blanket and attempted to put it around Phil and Wilbur.

"Cuddles, now." Techno practically demanded, arms open as he laid in bed while he waited for the other to change out of her winter clothes into something more comfortable. When (y/n) walked out, she laid in bed next Techno and instantly wrapped her arms around his torso as she snuggled into his shoulder. 

"Can you talk about... that one Greek guy that you keep saying whenever you mention Tommy..?" (y/n) asked, a yawn stopping her almost halfway through her question. Techno laughed quietly and started talking about Theseus and slowly went off track and started talking about The Mongols. But he always checked on the other, finding she was asleep but continued to talk until he fell tired. (Techno can talk about history and miraculously put me to sleep istg his voice is so soothing-) 

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