Quackity x Dyslexic male!reader- Struggles

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I don't know what it's like to have dyslexia, so if I get anything wrong, please educate me in the comments or dm me so I can fix any errors or misunderstandings. This is a request from a long while ago and I'm sorry I haven't written it, I just didn't know how I'd write this.  I did do some research on dyslexia and there were many types. So I went with the general idea in all of them where the person struggles to spell and read. 

Word Count: 1,039

italics are a flashback/memory!

(y/n) has had dyslexia for a long time.. Ever since he was a kid really. Words never sounded like how they were spelt and they would always jumble together, making the male madder at the fact that he has dyslexia. (y/n)'s father had dyslexia, but he grew out of it as he got older (yes, this is a possibility). (y/n) was now 19 and still hasn't grown out of it. 

But he had his biggest supporter. Alex. Or, more known as 'Quackity' online. The two had been friends since a young age, meeting online and eventually in real life. (y/n) told Alex about his dyslexia, and Alex thought it was something the slightly younger male should never feel ashamed about. 

"Come on, (y/n)! Just because you have a learning problem doesn't mean that those jerks can pick on you!" Alex said, leaning back in his chair with his arms stretching high above his head. The two had been on a discord call for a few hours now, keeping each other company while they did homework.

"I can't tell them that.. They will just hit me if I talk back." (y/n) mumbled into his mic, his pencil twirling between his index and middle finger. English was (y/n)'s most difficult class. It was too much reading and some words we're just a pile because of how big they were.

"Do I need to fly to you and beat them up?" Alex asked, his face completely straight and serious. (y/n)'s cheeks became a bright red, flattered that Alex would do that for him in the first place. No one besides his older sister stood up for him. And to have someone he's liked for 6 months say that? God it made the boy gain butterflies stomach.

"N-No, it's alright.." (y/n) quickly looked away from his monitor, his ears now becoming just as red as his water bottle on his table.

It's been 6 and a half years since the two met... Now here he sits in his shared apartment, his hands deep in his (h/c) hair while he attempts so figure out the spelling for 'deposition'. When the two boys were graduating high school, they both agreed to become lawyers. Which was a bad idea on (y/n)'s part...

"Hey.. You doing okay, handsome?" Alex asked, placing his hand gently on his boyfriends tense shoulder. (y/n) just nodded his head, running his fingers through his hair and taking a deep breath before leaning back a little to face Alex.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I thought you were streaming." (y/n) said, cocking his eyebrow slightly in question. This set an alarm off in Alex's mind, realizing what the male had been working on for those three hours. It's not like it was bad the boy was doing his work, but Alex knew (y/n) became overly stressed with the words they had to learn.

"I was. I just finished actually. It was a three hour stream." Alex said, making (y/n) become abnormally relaxed as he looked down at his paper that had half a paragraph on it. He'd been working on that paper since Alex started streaming.

"Three hours..? I've been on the first paragraph for three hours???" (y/n)'s voice raised a little bit, astonished and upset that he's been on his introduction paragraph for three whole hours. Tears welled up in his (e/c) eyes, his hands clutching his jeans tightly.

"Hey hey, it's okay. Becoming a lawyer is hard. It has a lot of big words that we don't understand." Alex rubbed the males back soothingly and grabbing one of his hands in hopes to calm him down. It wasn't everyday that (y/n) had a hard time with spelling. There were good days where he would have to look up a word only a couple times. Today was the kind of bad day where he would get stuck for long periods of time without even noticing it.

"No! It's not okay! You would probably be close to done with your essay by now! I'm still starting!" (y/n)'s voice raised more to the point of almost screaming. Tears of anger and stress dripped down his cheeks while his held Alex's hand tightly.

Alex hated seeing his lover like this. It barely happens to the point Alex doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to comfort him properly. So, doing what he saw in movies, he gently held the side of (y/n)'s face, making him relax a little.

"Look at me," Alex said and (y/n) obeyed, his eyes glistening with tears.

"It's okay. Take your time. How fast I do my essays shouldn't mean anything to you. Work at your own pace." Alex brushed the males cheek with his thumb gently, wiping away any stray tears. (y/n) closed his eyes tightly and nodded a little.

"Buen chico. Now, let me help you out." Alex smiled, making (y/n) blush slightly. The boy took the pencil from (y/n) and scanned over his work so far, helping him spell out some words and formatting the essay. Six more hours go by and the two had finished the essay, sighing in relief.  

"Thank you, Alex.." (y/n) mumbled quietly from the others shoulder. The two decided to go sit on the couch and watch a movie while they ordered (y/n)'s favorite dinner. Alex looked down at the exhausted male on his shoulder and smiled.

"Of course, that's what I'm here for." Alex kissed (y/n)'s forehead as he turned a movie on and wrapped his arm around his waist tightly. 

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