Ranboo and younger sister!reader- First Stream

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HELLO AGAIN!! I have written more Ranboo stuff! I had to make up the looks for the reader because her and Ranboo are siblings, so I apologize. This was a request from someone, I can't remember who requested it or where it came from, but I hope you enjoy!! 

Word Count: 772 

 "Tubbo!" Ranboo smiled as he joined the Discord call. (y/n) sat in an extra chair next to her older brother, quiet as ever. As the two talked away, (y/n) played with her dirty blonde hair, flipping it around. Her blue-grey eyes were looking everywhere but her brother's computer. (y/n) had wanted to be a content creator since she was young. Ranboo and her would always watch Minecraft playthroughs and roleplays, so the thought of being on stream today made her nervous.

"Are you ready? You don't have to do this, y'know?" Ranboo muted his mic and looked to his sister. Ranboo knew how nervous she was, he was the same way when he first started making content.

"Yeah, I'm ready? Is Lani with Tubbo?" (y/n) asked, looking up at Ranboo. He smiled and nodded, explaining that Lani was excited to finally have another girl around. After a second, Ranboo pressed the 'Start Stream' button and people started to slowly flow in. At first it was the moderators but then fans rolled in, saying their hellos.

"Hi chat! How are you guys doing?" Ranboo asked, looking over at chat. (y/n) watched in awe as she saw the viewer count go up and up. But it just made her feel sick. That many people watching? She's bound to mess up and she can't do that with 200,000 people watching.

"Okay chat! So as you all know, if you follow me on Twitter, my younger sister is joining us today! We have a whole new skin and she's gonna be controlling stream. Please be nice." Ranboo explained to his chat.



Oh goodness


:ranbooPOG: :ranbooPOG: :ranbooPOG: :ranbooPOG: :ranbooPOG:

You'll do great!!

(y/n) watched chat zoom by, a bright red taking over her cheeks from all the support that her brother's fans had already shown her. Ranboo nudged her and held the headphones out to her like it was an offering.

"Chat, Sisterboo is taking over." Ranboo spoke into the mic before standing up and changing seats. (y/n) quickly put the headphones on and sat in the unicorn chair.

"Hi chat!" (y/n) spoke and chat went insane.




"SISTERBOOOOOO!!!" Tubbo yelled into his mic, making (y/n) jump and pull the headphones off her ears. He was definitely louder than he needed to be.

"Hi Tubbo! How are you?" (y/n) asked, trying to make conversation with the other. They spoke for a while and soon Lani took over Tubbo's spot so the two could go play on the SMP. And about 5 hours later, the groups finally said their goodbyes and left the discord call.

"Thank you, chat! If Ranboo would let me, I'd love to come back on stream!" (y/n) glanced at her brother who only shrugged and went back to texting Tubbo, probably about what show they were going to watch that night.

"Geez, don't say anything then. Okay, we'll end stream here! Byeee!! Thank you all for joining!!" (y/n) waved at the chat even though they couldn't see her.

Nooooo!! Stayyy!!


Thanks for the stream!!


Fey Donated $10!!
Do you have your own Twitch
or any other socials???

"Woah! Thank you for the 10 dollars!! I do have a Twitch, but I don't stream. Big man over here keeps all the internet to himself. But I do have Instagram!" (y/n) continued to say her socials before Ranboo spoke up.

"Alright chat, we have to go. Thank you all for watching! Now this is the hard part. Ending stream." Ranboo said as he put his finger over the 'End Stream' button on Stream Labs. The two said their final goodbyes before pressing the dreaded button.

"THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!" (y/n) yelled, leaning back in the chair happily. Ranboo smiled and stood up.

"Mom said dinner was ready, so let's go. And you would make a great streamer." Ranboo smiled as he ruffled the girls hair then walked out his room. (y/n) took one more look at the stream setup and smiled.

"Yeah.. Maybe I should." (y/n) said to herself as she took the headphones off and ran out of the room, excited to tell her parents about her first stream. 

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