Ghostbur & Tommy &GN reader- The New Museum (PLATONIC)

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Okay, so someone a long while ago asked for a art museum oneshot then someone asked for a ghostbur one. So I combined it and made this :) I added a bit of Tommy in this cause it just felt right. anyways, enjoy:D

Word counter: 1,044

(y/n) brushed their hands off on the dirty towel and stood back to admire their work. It had taken months to finish this, and now it's has been completed. A new art piece. Nothing too special, but it was a reminder of what the SMP used to be. No war, no big walls, no disks. Just grass and trees with the shimmering water going through the bright land.

"Ooooo that looks very lovely (y/n)!" A ghostly voice comes up from behind them, making them jump.

"Jesus Ghostbur... we need to get you a bell." (y/n) held their hand over their heart, trying to control their breathing. Ghostbur fiddled with the lead in his hand that held Friend at his feet.

"I'm sorry for spooking you. But that needs to go into that big building over there!" Ghostbur smiled brightly as he pointed over to the Museum that held historical things of the SMP. (y/n) wrinkled their
nose, slightly against the idea. It gets dirty in there often and they're worried about the piece getting ruined somehow.

"I was thinking somewhere else. Maybe I'll just keep it here." (y/n) put the towel back onto the seat that held all sorts of paint. Ghostbur looked outside and got an idea. He immediately left without saying a word. (y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed as she watched him start running around.

"Poor Friend. That sheep needs to be left somewhere before it gets strangled." (y/n) put their hands on their hips and shook their head, looking back at the painting.

~Ghostbur's pov~

"Tommy! I need help!" Ghostbur said as he entered the teenagers home, startling the poor thing.

"Ghostbur, I can't right now. I'm organizing cause chat won't leave me alone." Tommy rolled his eyes and put his hands back into the chest, moving his uncooked steak off to the side.

"But I want to do something for (y/n). I need your help building a museum!" Ghostbur pouted, making Tommy sigh. Him and (y/n) were like siblings.

"Fine, what do you need?" Tommy stood up, his arms crossed over his chest despite all the yells coming from the little racoons next to him. Ghostbur smiled and started to explain how he wanted the museum. Tommy listened, suggesting that they build one of his famous cobblestone towers, but ghostbur was against the idea. He wanted it perfect for (y/n).

~A few hours later~

"Is that good??" ghostbur asked as he tried to straighten a painting he found in the community house. Tommy looked from behind and nodded, as he assumed that was as straight as it was going to get. The duo smiled and ran out of the newly made building to get (y/n).

"(y/n)!! We have something to show you!!" Tommy yelled from outside as ghostbur happily floated around their home.

"What Tommy? I'm kind of busy right now." (y/n) said as they opened the door, paint splattered on their cheek and all over their clothing.

"Close your eyes, stupid! It's a surprise!!" Tommy smiled as he ripped a piece of his shirt and put it over (y/n)'s eyes. They let out a gasp as Tommy shoved them forward, excited to show off him and Ghostbur's new build just for them.

(y/n) complained the whole way there, saying how unsafe this was for them to be walking around blind. Tommy told them not to worry as he kept a tight grip on the others arm.

"Annnnndddd here we are!!" Ghostbur smiled and Tommy removed the cloth from around their eyes. (y/n) kept their eyes closed and put a hand up so that their eyes could adjust to the bright light. Once they were fully adjusted, they were presented with a tall tower that looked like Tommy's signature cobblestone towers, but it had a little more flare to it. There were spruce logs that outlined every other section. Spruce stairs brought out the edges of the arched doorway and a lantern next to a sign that said '(y/n)'s art museum!!' with a blue handprint on the side to signify that Ghostbur had written it.

"C'mon! You gotta see the inside!!" Tommy smiled, leading the other inside. (y/n), still awe struck, followed Tommy inside. He explained the lay out and where he would best think their art would stand out.

"OH! And up these stairs, is a little work area!" He quickly ran up the stairs while (y/n) looked over to Ghostbur.

"He's really excited about this huh?" They asked, walking up the stairs.

"Tommy was really excited about the fact we used his cobblestone tower. He got some of the extra art peices from the community house and even got materials himself." Ghostbur explained, keeping up with (y/n).

Tommy showed them their new work area, as he already provided a desk and some new paints.

"Geez Toms... You really outdid yourself here. How much you want for it? Diamonds, netherite? What do you need?" (y/n) asked, pulling out their enderchest and placing it down next to their new workbench. Tommy shook his head and crossed his arms.

"Nope! This is my good deed for the year. No payment needed. I did this with Ghostbur. Come to think of it, it was his idea." Tommy said, making (y/n) turn their head towards the ghostly man who was smiling.

"I thought it would be nice to have a bigger space for your artwork. Instead of your house. It's like your own little business now." He explained happily. (y/n) frowned to prevent tears.

"Thank you. That's so sweet."

Soon enough, (y/n) took all their art to the new museum and hung them up in the places Tommy said would look best. People came in to look and eventually started paying (y/n) for their work.

"If only Ghostbur could see where this went..." (y/n) sighed as they put the paintbrush down and walked away from the new peice. A peice that used mostly blue colors and resembled a small home that was surrounded by clouds and next to a train track. The house had light steam coming out of the chimney and the dim light of an incoming train.

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