Sapnap x GN!Reader- Soulmates

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Alright, so this request from long ago was initially one turned into an actual animal and the other took care of them. Which I knew I wasn't going to be able to write, so I made it a tattoo instead. I wanted to keep the original idea of an animal involved, so I made the tattoo the animal. I hope this is alright as it was written before I stopped writing and I just continued. Enjoy!

Word Count: 1,818

Content Warnings: Swearing

Content is in 3rd person

The two had never met before but knew of each other. Everyone knew what a soulmate is and that everyone was assigned one. By whom, they never knew. The universe? Some higher power? Those questions remained unanswered, but everyone adapted to the change. Soulmates hadn't been around for a long time, merely hundreds of years. In history classes, students learned that people were never connected to one person back then. Someone could have many lovers and not be restricted to just one person, but they all ended up staying with one person in the end.

"Sapnap! Any signs of them yet?" A voice called to him from across the room. Sapnap glanced over and saw his best friend, Dream, standing in the doorway of his room. Sapnap shook his head and put it down on his desk with a thud. He had been looking for this person for months. He followed random signs he was given, going to elaborate places in town just to see if he could find them.

"Don't worry man, you'll find them soon... Just be patient." Dream smiled and walked over to pat the others back as if trying to comfort him.

"Easy enough for you to say. You met yours so quickly cause we all were friends as kids." Sapnap groaned as he turned his head to place his cheek on his desk to look outside the window next to his bed. Oh to wake up next to them and see the sun hit all the right places on their face to make them look like they came straight out of some legend about gods and goddesses... To caress their cheek and lovingly look into their eyes...

Calling him a hopeless romantic was an understatement. But all Sapnap wanted was the bare minimum. Someone to be there for him and to be there for. To hopefully have someone by his side forever that loves him unconditionally...

"Okay, so what if we met already? It's just proof that it's real. That everyone has one. Now don't be so down man, I need help farming." Dream winked as he walked out the door. Sapnap sighed and pushed himself out of his seat. Maybe this will get his mind off the whole "soulmate" thing.

"OKAY, JESS I'M GOING TO KICK YOU ASS IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT." (y/n) turned around, holding their axe to their friend's throat. It was hot, they were irritated from this random tattoo showing up on their shoulder, and Jess was not helping.

"Chill chill." Jess rolled her eyes crossing her arms around her stomach. She just complimented on the color of the random cat tattoo that showed up on her friend's right shoulder. (y/n) huffed and went back to cutting down the tree they had been working on.

"Y'know, why the fuck are 'soulmates' a thing?? I can be with whoever the fuck I want." (y/n) blurted out, hitting the tree harder than they probably should be. Jess rolled her eyes as she squatted down to pick up a couple flowers before she mined.

"Fuck you, Universe. Why do you get to tell me..." (y/n) continued to berate whatever they were speaking to until they hit the tree the wrong way.

"GAH- FU- UGH" (y/n) dropped their axe and grabbed onto their shoulder. First the tattoo, now a possible dis-location. Great. Their eyes responsively filled with tears, eyebrows furrowing upwards to complete the look of absolute pain. Jess quickly ran up their makeshift stairs to help their friend who was now hunched over on the ground, their forehead against the grassy ground.

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